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15 [[symbol checkmark]] #33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, October 28th, 1907. Caleb Ticknor, Esq., The Berkshire Inn, Great Barrington, Mass. Dear Mr. Ticknor:- A pressure of many matters has prevented earlier acknowledgement of your kind letter and the pamphlet concerning The Court Inn at Camden. The information was wanted by my brother and sister-in-law, who are casting about for a place in which to spend the coming Winter. Neither of them are very strong and their little girl is almost an invalid. They are now giving consideration to the matter, and you will doubtless hear from them direct, within two or three weeks. I am sorry to miss seeing the Berkshires in their beautiful Autumnal color, but a trip to Europe, which I have had since seeing you last, has robbed me of the privilege. With many thanks for your kind letter, and wishing you a very happy and prosperous Winter, I remain, Yours very sincerely, Charles L Freer