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33 Ferry Avenue East,
  Detroit, Michigan,
    February 26, 1908.

  c/o Bay  City E. S. High School,
    Bay City, Michigan.


   Your letter of the  25th instant came in this morning's mail, and I am glad that you can be here on Saturday, March 21st to proceed with the photographic work.

   In answering your queries, let me say that the catalogue of pottery will include, when finished, about one hundred pages. Thus far  the marginal drawings have been done on something like fifty pages. I think we  had better arrange for you to photograph at the beginning, as a sort of experimental matter, let us say, ten to twenty pages, depending upon the time you can devote to this part of the work this spring.

   My  thoughts are not quite clarified yet on this subject. That is, I haven't determined whether to do the whole book in its present text, or to reprint the text and cut the illustrations from the present book, and add them to a later edition and then photograph that edition. However, if you will arrange for from ten to twenty pages, that will answer for the present.

   The length of the Japanese Painting referred to is forty feet, five inches, and I think the scale of the negative you used is all right.

   I agree with you that the detail in places is superb, and I feel that the size of the negative you used,  etc. is about as good as we can expect.