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33 Ferry Avenue E., 
Detroit, Michigan 
February 26, 1908

Your very interesting letter of February 25th comes to hand just a few moments before I start on a trip to Washington to be gone until the middle of next week. I am too hurried to think accurately concerning the very interesting marble bust, but shall take the papers with me, and read them more intelligently while on my journey, after which I will communicate promptly with you.

Your description of the seven sets of photographic prints is certainly admirable, and I appreciate the great care shown by you in the matter. Regarding the distribution of additional sets of prints, I do hope you will act generously in this matter, too. Kindly order as many sets as you feel you would like to distribute, and send them out at your convince. Have bill for same sent to me, as usual. Mr. Swain's bill of February twentieth, amounting to $24.15, will be remitted from my office directly to Mr. Swain tomorrow.

The book referred to, containing a reproduction of letters, is a charming volume entitled "The Letters of Charles Lamb", published by the Bibliophile Society of Boston. Believing you would like to examine this beef making your eastern trip, I am forwarding it to you by American Express, charges prepaid. After you have finished with it, kindly return it to my residence address by express. 

Trusting you are keeping very well end with apologies for this hastily-dictated letter, I remain,

Very sincerely your's,
Charles L. Freer

826 Tappan Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.