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34 [[symbol: checkmark]] Detroit, Mich., 38 Ferry Avenue, October 30, 1907. Dear Sir:- The copy of your valued letter of May 28th, 1906, reached me this morning, along with you personal note of the 28th inst. I regret exceedingly that the original of this letter failed to reach me and that I was for so long a time entirely ignorant of the high honor conferred upon me. by the Board of Directors of your Academy. The action of the Board in electing me an honorary member was most generous, and I accept the honor with deep appreciation. Will you do me the favor to express to your Board at its next meeting my sincere thanks for the honor conferred, and oblige Yours very respectfully, Charles L. Freer Mr. John E. D. Trask, Secretary, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.