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of the Ayitsu [[?]] club and had the Imperial Museum Directors with me. It was very interesting and I made bids but for very few things. I have had a lot of Teshin articles offered but nearly all were copies or made by the son or pupils. I have however got 2 kakemono & 1 quite nice lacquer painting, 2 Inro, a sake cup, a lacquer imitation of a tsuba & a Fukusa so have added a little to my collection. I have not yet met Dr. Grosse. he has been quite ill but I believe is better now.

I have to meet Dalu in Shanghai as I trust the Murray Guide book work will practically be completed early February, anyway enough to let me get away for a little but it 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 15:29:41 . An inro is a traditional Japanese case for holding small objects,