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[[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 26 7

[[left margin]]3.
Candiff. W.H.
and other Citizens of
Crockett. Texas.
0./ [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on their letter of March 20th 1866. (C.1.)
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston April 9th 1866. 
Respectfully returned to Mr W.H. Candiff and other citizens of Crockett. Texas. with information that an Officer has been detailed to relieve Capt Weaver,
By Com.d of
Brig. Gen. E.M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] 4.
Wheelock. Mr
Supt of schools, &c,.
0./228! [[/left margin]]

Endorsement upon letter of Wm Reynolds, dated Harrisbugh Texas. April 10th 1866. (R.2)
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston April 12th 1866.
Respectfully referred to Mr Wheelock. Supt of Schools for remarks. Please return this paper.
By Com.d of Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory.
A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] 5.
0/ [[/left margin]]
Returned by Mr Wheelock. April 12th 1866. endorsed as follows -
Respectfully returned to W.H. Sinclair A.A.G.. No funds of any description in in the possession of this Office. But the Revd Mr Welch has under his control a building fund for the erection of Colored Churches, possibly this case can be assisted therefrom. I will present the matter to Mr Welch.
Hd Qrs B.R. F. and A.L.
Galveston April 17th 1866.
Respectfully returned to Mr Reynolds inviting attention to endorsement of Mr Wheelock,
By Comd of
Brig. Genl Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair

[[left margin]] 6.
Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
0./14. [[/left margin]]

Chappel Hill,
Washington Co. Texas
Octr 19th 1865,

Mr Col. Forshey
Calls the Presidents attention to speech made under authority of Genl. Gregory Freedman's Bureau. &c, &c endorsed as follows. the President.
Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl O.O. Howard, Comr &c,
who endorsed it as follows,
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory, Asst. Comr &c. for investigation and report.
It was endorsed by Genl Gregory as follows- Decr 11th 1865
Respectfully repectfully referred to Lieut J.B- Arnold S.A.C. for investigation who will report the result to these Hd Qrs.
Returned to Hd Qrs B.R.F. and A L. State of Texas. March 17th 1866
Respectfully submits the enclosed report with Certificate of Resident parties of Washington Co. Texas. showing that no such address to Freedmen was ever made in Washington. Co, as referred to by Mr Col. Forshey's letter, and that the whole was either a Mistake or Misrepresentation.
Hd Qrs.
B.R.F. &c state of Texas
April 16th 1866-
Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl O.O. Howard, Comr &c B.R.F. and A. Lands- inviting attention to endorsement of Lieut Arnold. Sub. Asst. Comr. and accompanying Certificates,
E M Gregory
Brig. Genl and Asst. Comr

Transcription Notes:
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