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[[left margin]] 7. Hd Qrs, Dept of Texas. 0./11. See E.B. page. 31. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement upon letter of Capt John J. Owen, 36th U.S.C.T. asking for position in Freedmens Bureau - dated New Orleans. March 29th 1866. (O.1).
Hd Qrs
B.R.F. and A.L. State of Texas-
Galveston April 14th 1866-
Respectfully referred to Hd Qrs Dept of Texas with request that if the exigenices of the Service will permitt this officer be detailed.
E M Gregory
Brig. Genl and Asst. Comr

[[left margin]] 8. Longworth. W.L. O./55. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement upon list of decisions by W. Longworth Sub. Asst. Comr at Sutherland Springs. Texas. March 8th 1866, (L,4)
Head Quarters
Bureau R.F. and A.L
State of Texas.
April 17 1866.
Respectfully returned Mr Longworth. Sub. Asst, Comr at Sutherland Springs, Your action is approved and decision on the within case except so much as relates to payment being made in Specie.
By Order of
Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] 9. Miller. E. Capt. &c O./50. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement upon letter of H. Taylor, Clerk, D.C.A.C, dated Corpus Christi. March 8th 1866 - (F.1)
Head Quarters
B.R.F. and A.L. State of Texas.
Galveston April 17th 1866,
Respectfully referred to Capt Miller, S.A.C at Victoria, Texas, If you can reach this case please do so. It is some distance from you but you are the nearest Agent, You may be able to reach it in some of your journeys into the country.
By Order of 
Brig. Genl
E.M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] 10. Ferguson, J. Capt S.A.C. O./43. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement upon letter from Secretary of the Treasury dated Washington D.C. March 2nd 1866, (L.B.220) which was endorsed as follows by Max. Woodhall A.A. Genl War. Dept. B.R.F. &c. March 6th 1866.

Respectfully referred to Brvt Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory. Asst. Comr &c who will please make application to the Agent of the Treas. Dept, for the within mentioned property-
Head Quarters
B.R.F. and A.L. State of Texas
Galveston April 17th 1866.
Respectfully referred to Capt Jos. Ferguson S.A.C. at San Antonio Texas. Capt  Ferguson will please make application to Mr Gamage for the within mentioned property -
By Com.d of
Brig. Genl E.M. Gregory
Wm H. Sinclair
A A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
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