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Miller. Capt. Ed,

Endorsement on the letter of Capt. Miller, dated Victoria, Texas, June 22nd 1866, (M.36.).

Hd Qrs. B.R.F. &c.
State of Texas
Galveston, June 28th 1866,

Respectfully returned to Capt. Miller, Capt Spaulding will make the Requisition for the within mentioned property. So he informed these Hd Qrs.

By Order of Brvt Maj Gen. Kiddoo
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Wright Maj Gen.
Endorsement on letter of Capt J. H. Bradford, dated Leona, Texas. June 17th 1866, (B. 39.), which was endored [[endorsed]] at Dept Hd Qrs. June 27 1866, as follows,

"Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj. Gen. J. B. Kiddoo, Asst Comr &c. for his information and Remarks. These papers to be returned"

Hd Qrs. B.R.F &c
State of Texas
Galveston. June 29 1866

Respectfully returned to Dept. Hd Qrs. recommending that no further action be taken in this case,

J. B. Kiddoo
Brvt Maj. Genl
and Asst. Comr.

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Barnes, Maj. L. S.

Endorsement on letter of Maj. Barnes, dated Crockett, Texas. June 21 1866, (B. 38,).

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston, June 28th 1866,
Respectfully returned, when Freedman commit offences they should be given the same trial as a white man in similar cases, when Civil Courts try freedmen it is not the policy of the Bureau to interfere unless it is apparent the Court does not recognize his rights before the law and deal justly and fairly with him. Where flagrant injustice is being done them it is your duty to interfere, And in all cases where charged with Offences and being tried See to it that his trial is a fair one,

Do everything in your power to compel the Negro to work without resorting to physical punishment. It is of the greatest importance that they keep their Contracts and Circular No 14 will be your guide in general for you, enforce it strictly,

Do not have anything to do with divorcing freedmen. You have no authority to act in such cases.

By Order of Gen. Kiddoo,
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

McConaughey J. W. Esq.

Endorsement on letter of J. W. McConaughey, dated Wharton, Texas. June 4th 1866. (M. 38.).

Headquarters, B.R.F. &c,
State of Texas
Galveston, June 30th 1866,

Respectfully returned to Mr McConaughey, who will require Mr Morris to Settle the within mentioned claim,
This paper to be returned with action endorsed,

By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo,
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

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Transcription Notes:
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