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Endorsement letter of D H Field dated Galveston Texas. July 13th, 1866. (F. 214). Hd- Qrs. B. R. F &c State of Texas. Galveston July 13th, 1866. 
Raudlett, Capt N.H. 157/192
Respectfully referred to Capt. N. H. Raudlett. S.A Com B.R F. &c. who is hereby directed to try the case mentioned within. Capt Sauqer has been instructed to forward to you any information he may have relative to the case. Please report your action to these Hd Qrs. By Com.d of Bvt. Maj. J.B. Kiddoo. Wm. H. Swain A.A.Genl.

Endorsement on letter of Brvt. Lt. Col. Abert,  6th U. S. Cav. dated Sherman Texas, June 9th, 1866. (A.34.). Which was Endorsed as follows by Bvt. Brig Genl. Heutzelman.  June 30/66. 
Wright, Maj. Gen. H.G. 173/189
"I have furnished Capt Abert. Brvt Lt. Col. with a copy of Gen. orders. No 211.             Hd. Qrs. Dept of Texas. June 23/66. It is very desirable to have a discreet Office of the Freedman Bureau at Sherman. One who cau do justice to both parties. Any other will only make mischief. I will thank you for a sufficient No. of Copies of Gen. Orders. 21 to furnish each of the Posts in the district with one. Respectfully Forwarded" and Endorsed by Maj. Gen. Wright as follows. July 6, 1866. "Respectfully forwarded to Brvt. MaJ. Gen.  Kiddoo for his information. To be returned" 
Hd. Qrs. B.R.F. &c.
State of Texas
Galveston July 13, 1866 
Respectfully returned to Maj. Gen G.H.. Wright. Comdy Dept of Texas. I have no officer available for this point. As soon as one reports whom is suitable for the place he will be sent.
G.B Kiddoo
Bro Maj. Genl.
Asst. Comr.  


Endorsement on letter of Maj. Starr, 6th U.S Cav. dated Houston Texas July 9th 1866 (S. 36.), which was endorsed by Maj. Gen. Wright as follows. July 10, 1866. Respectfully referred to Brvt. Maj. Gen Kiddoo, Asst. Comr. &c. for remark and recommendation as to the best disposition to be made of these freedpeople.
Hd. Qrs. B. R. F. and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston July 13, 1866. 
Respectfully returned to Maj. Gen Wright Comdg Dept of Texas. Recommending that these people be sent to this point with instructions to report to the Sud. Asst. Comr. (Brvt. Col. Wm. H. Sinclair) unless the desire to be sent to  New Orleans or elsewhere.
J.B Kiddoo
Brvt Maj Genl
and Asst. Comr.

Endorsement on letter of "Freedpeople of Columbus" dated Columbus, Texas, (F. 25), which was endorsed as follows by Maj. Gen. Wright, July 11th 1866.
Wright Maj. Genl. H.G.  189/201
"Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. H.G. Wright Comdg Dept of Texas, requesting that as many men as can be spared be ordered to report to Lieut Goodman at Columbus.
J.B. Kiddoo
Brvt Maj. Genl
and Asst. Comr.