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[[left margin]] Rock. Lieut. W.H. 249/257 [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on letter of B. B. Brown. dated Wharton, Texas. August 2 1866, (B. 47.).

Hd Qrs. B.R.F. &c.
State of Texas,
Galveston, Aug 10th 1866.

Respectfully referred to Lieut W H Rock. S.A. Comr. Richmond for his action he bring the nearest Agents. Notify Mr Brown that his letter has been referred to you.

By Order Of
Brvt Maj. Genl. Kiddoo.
Wm H Sinclair
A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Moore Lieut Jas. B. 344/319 See also. E.B. 137. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Hon John Ireland. dated Seguin, Texas. August 4th 1866. (I. 5.).

Hd Qrs. Bur R.F. &c
State of Texas
Galveston, Texas, Aug. 10 1866

Respectfully referred to Lieut Moore. S.A.C, for report.

This paper to be returned.

By Comd of
Brvt Maj. Genl. Kiddoo
Wm H Sinclair
A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Rock. Lieut W H. 255./258 [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Lieut Rock. dated Richmond Texas. August 9th 1866. (R. 18.). 

Hd Qrs. B.R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston, Aug 10th 1866.

Respectfully returned to Lieut Rock. S.A. Comr This form of Settlement is not very lucid. Do you mean that the "Amount Retained" during the 7 months has been paid and the "Amounts Overdrawn" and "to be paid" are actually all that is due by or to the freedmen, Or do you mean that the Contract has not yet expired and that the "Amounts Retained" are yet due the Freedman.

Please return this with Explanation.
By Comd of Brvt Maj. Gen. Kiddoo
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl


[[left margin]] Rock. Lieut. W H. 257/306 [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of C. W. Williams. dated Wharton Texas, August 8th 1866, (W. 23.). 

Hd Qrs. B.R.F. &c.
State of Texas.
Galveston, Augt 10th 1866.

Respectfully referred to Lieut. W. H. Rock. S.A. Comr for his action.
By Order of
Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo.
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Wright. Maj. Genl. 351/260 [[/left margin]]

Endorsement of letter of Brvt Col. Mason, dated Galveston, Texas. Aug 12th 1866, (M. 53.). which was endorsed by Genl Wright. Augt 12th 1866.

"Respectfully referred Brvt. Maj. Genl J. B. Kiddoo, Asst. Comr for remark and recommendation As some of the Officers who will compose the Court-Martial will have to be detailed from Dist. of Rio. Grande. it is not believed the Court can convene much inside of three weeks"

Hd Qrs. Bu. R.F. &c.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug 12" 1866.

Respectfully returned, With the information that I have no objections to the within request.

By Com'd of
Brvt Maj. Genl. Kiddoo.
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-01 12:18:25