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Carter, Champ, Jr. 

Endorsement on letter of J. M. Shaffer, dated Sterling Texas, August 9th 1866, (S. 47,),

Hd Qrs. B.R.F. and A.L,
State of Texas 
Galveston, Aug 17" 1866,

Respectfully referred to Mr Champ Carter for remarks.   What difficulty has arisen between you and the Comd.g Officer of the forces, It was not supposed that Mr. T, should do anything for you except during your temporary absence,

By Com.d of
Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Miller, Ed Capt & S.A.C,

Endorsement on letter of J. Paul Jones, dated June 1st 1866. "Casa Blanca" (J. 21.). 1866,

Hd Qrs. B.R.F &c
State of Texas
Galveston, Aug 17" 1866,

Respectfully referred to Capt, Ed. Miller S.A.C, to know if he ever approved the paper of which this is a copy. If so you will immediately revoke your approval. This obligation virtually re-enslaves these children. They are every one old enough to earn their own living and most of them are old enough to be able bodied full hands. No Mother has any right to make such a Contract and she is a fool to have done it even had the right. Notify Mr Jones that this document is illegal and unauthorized and and release the children from any obligation imposed by it, requiring him to Compensate them (the Children) for any services they have rendered at the customary rate of wages 

By Order of
Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo,
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

Whitford S. J.

Additional endorsements on letter of Mr Whitford  dated, Hempstead Texas, July 20" 1866, (W. 22). E.B. 117), which was returned by Capt Allen, dated Aug 14" 1866,

"Respectfully returned. This case was decided by me after a long and thorough investigation of facts and I am convinced now as before that the decision was just and warranted by the circumstances of the facts, [[Bas?]] as on the 8th Ist on my return from Galveston, the Freedmen within alluded to came to me and stated that having become better acquainted with  Mr Ballow they were now willing to work under him as their foreman, and it appearing that  Mr Whitworth has bought a store in town and should leave Mr Ballow  entirely in charge of the Plantation, and further as  Mr Ballow intends running the Plantation next year upon his own book, and has thus an incentive to fair dealing with the Freedmen this season in his desire to obtain their services in the future (For they are No. 1 hands and have worked well and made a good crop of which I speak from personal examination) I then (on the 8" Inst.) revoked my prohibition in the case of Mr Ballow"
Hd Qrs. Bu. R.F. &c
State of Texas,
Galveston, Aug 17" 1866,

Respectfully returned to Mr Whitford inviting attention to endorsement of  Capt Allen, S.A. Comr  This matter seems to have been satisfactorily settled,

By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo,
Wm H. Sinclair
A.A. Genl

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