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162  163

[[Left Margin]] 356 Flake F. 0/ [[/Left Margin]]
Additional Endorsements on letter of J.A. Pruitt, dated Mobile, Ala. August 1st 1866, (P.24), E.B.141., Which was returned endorsed as follows by Lt. Col. Pratt, Austin Texas, Sept 27th 1866.
"Respectfully returned with the information that John T. Pruitt called upon me today and States that he is the brother of the writter of the within Communication. He lives in this place."
Hd Qrs. Bu. R &c
State of Texas
Galveston, Oct 2nd/66.
Respectfully referred to Mr Flake invitting attention to endorsement of Col Pratt S.A.C at Austin.
By Order of Genl Kiddoo,
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl 

[[Left Margin]] 357 Davis. M.E. S.A.C. 0/403 [[/Left Margin]]
Endorsement on letter of C. F. Wilks, dated Chappel Hill Texas Sept 30th 1866 (W.26.).
Hd Qrs. Bu. R.F &c
State of Texas
Galveston, Oct 2" 1866.
Respectfully referred to M.E. Davis, Sub. Asst. Comr at Brenham for investigation and such action as he may deem necessary.
This to be returned with action noted.
By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl

[[Left Margin]] 358 Hutchison Lt. and S.A. Com 325/ Returned by Lt Hutchinson.
Oct 14/66. and returned to Mr [[?]] with Lt's Report. [[/Left Margin]]
Endorsement on letter W.H. [[?]], dated Caney Creek Texas. Sept 23" 1866, (M. 71.). 
Hd Qr. Bu. R.F &c
State of Texas 
Galveston, Oct 21" 1866,
Respectfully referred to Lt. Hutchinson, S.A.C, for report. This to be returned with with Report,
By Order of 
Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo 
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl.

[[Left Margin]] 359 Morton, L.K. Lt. and S.A.C, 0/376 [[/Left Margin]]
Endorsement on letter of Lieut Morton, dated Sterling. Texas Sept 26th 1866, (M.72). 
Hd Qrs. Bu. R.F &c
State of Texas 
Galveston, Octr 2" 1866, 
Respectfully returned to Lieut Morton, S.A.C. Use your influence to have the freedmen continue work on the plantation. Their wages are safe enough no matter who owns the crop. Their wages are the first lien upon the Same. urge them to save the crop. There is no record in this Office of any such transfer as the one mentioned within. 
By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo 
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl

[[Left Margin]] 360 Bailey. Thos. Col. and S.A.C. 336/ [[/Left Margin]]
Endorsement on letter of Chas and Henry Roberts [[overwritten]] flated [[/overwritten]] dated Marshall, Texas. Sept 3" 1866, (R.24), which was endorsed as follows by Col. Bailey, Sept 20/66,
"Respectfully forwarded to Asst. Comr The case having been Approved at Hd Qrs. My oppinion is that the fine is excessive under the Circumstances and I would suggest that the payment be not demanded at present but the bond retained as Security for good behavior in future" 
Hd Qrs. Bu. R.F &c,
State of Texas, 
Galveston, Oct 3rd 1866,
Respectfully returned the Suggestion of Col. Bailey is Approved, and he is hereby instructed to carry the same into effect. 
By Order of 
Brvt Maj. Genl Kiddoo 
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.a.a. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-04 18:56:43