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[[left margin]] 381 Howard. O.O. Maj Genl. 376/4021 [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Louis Saylor dated Hallettsville Texas Oct 10th 1866, (S. 57.).

Hd Qrs Bu. R. F &c
State of Texas
Galveston. Oct 11th 1866.

Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl O.O. Howard. with the recommendation that this Officer be at once Mustered-out of Service for the reasons set forth in the following Extracts from the Reports of Wm H. Sinclair, (late) Brvt Col. A.A. Genl whom I sent to investigate the condition of affairs at Hallettsville, and the conduct of Lt. Saylor, Sub. Asst Comr there, to which your attention is invited. I deem it impracticable to have him tried by M. Court-Martial here.

I will consider it my duty to give this Officer a Severe reprimand in the order relieving him. His conduct has been most reprehensible. The inconvenience of convening a Court Martial on account of the great inconveniences and expense procuring testimony and Witnesses is the only reason why I do not retain him for trial.

J.B. Kiddoo
Brvt Maj. Genl Vols
Asst. Comr

[[left margin]] 382 Eddlefson H.H. Lieut. V.R.C. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Lieut. H.H. Eddlefson dated Houston, Texas. Oct 15th 1866. (E. 11.).

Bu. R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. Oct. 16th 1866.
Respectfully returned and attention directed to Par. 456 Rev. Army Regulations

By Order of Genl Kiddoo
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] 383 Com'd'g Officer Dist of Texas. 0/ 
See also E.B. page 188. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Brvt Lt. Col. Jas A. Bates, dated Richmond. Va. August 28th 1866. (B. 69.). which was endorsed as follows by Genl Howard. Octr 4/66.

"Respectfully referred to Maj. Genl. P.H. Sheridan, Com'd'g Dept of the Gulf, with the request that he will have the case investigated, as Lt. (now Capt.) Allen is Supposed to be serving with the 36th U.S.C.T. at Brazos Santiago, Texas.
and by J. Irving Gregg, Genl Supt. Bureau R.F 7c. State of La. as follows. Octr 11th 1866.

"Respectfully referred to the Asst Comr State of Texas with request that this matter may be investigated and Report made to this Office.

Hd Qrs Bu. R.F. &c
State of Texas
Galveston, Octr 16/66.

Respectfully referred to Com'd'g Officer, Dist. of Texas with request that he will cause this matter to be investigated with as little delay as possible as the Regiment is now under orders to be mustered-out of Service.

J.B. Kiddoo
Brvt Maj. Genl Vols.
Asst. Comr

[[left margin]] 384 DeGress. J.C. Sub Asst Comr 0/389. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of J.C. DeGress. dated Houston Texas. Octr 15th 1866. (D. 27.).

Hd Qrs Bu. R.F. &c
State of Texas.
Galveston, Octr 16th 1866.

Respectfully returned to J.C. DeGress, Sub. Asst Comr at Houston, Texas, calling his attention to Par. 3 of enclosed Circular (a Copy of which has been furnished him)

By Order of Brvt Maj. Genl J.B. Kiddoo
H A Ellis
Brvt Lt. Col. U.S.A
A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-02 22:31:12 changed "Kidder" to "Kiddoo"