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Lancaster Geo. Cpt
17th Inf. & S.A.C.

Endorsement on letter of A. Smith, dated Houston, Texas March 19th 1867, (S. 170) which was endorsed by E. W. Wheelock, Insp F.S. Texas, March 22d 1867. as follows:

Respectfully referred to Lieut J. T. Kirkman, with the recommendation that the Bureau Agent near Union Hill be instructed to inquire into the alleged facts and to report thereon to the Sup't of Schools.

Hd Qrs Bur RF &c
State of Texas,
Galveston March 22d 1867.

Respectfully referred to Capt Geo. Lancaster 17th Inf & S.A. Com'r at Hampstead for report as to the facilities for a School at the place named.

By order of
Bv't Maj. Gen'l. Griffin
(Signed) J. T Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Infty
A.A.A. Gen'l.

Harris. E. M. Lt

Endorsement on letter of Lt Taylor AAA Genl Dist. of Texas dated at Galveston March 23d 1867 (T 66)

Hd Qrs Bu. R.F.&.A.L
State of Texas
Galveston March 23d/67

Respectfully forwarded to Lt E. M. Harris Sub Asst Comr at Columbus Texas, who upon the arrival of this Detcht will inform D. S. Claiborne Inpt &c. of the fact. turn the men over to him. have them start at once upon the duty for which they were detailed, upon the completion of which they will be returned to Lt. Harris. who will see that they at once return to their Com'd at Austin, reporting the date of arrival, Departure, and the duty performed to this office_

By order of
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26" US Inf
A.A.A. Genl


Harris Enon. M.
S.A. Comr

Endorsement on letter of E m Harris S.A. Comr dated at Columbus Mar 13th 1867 (H 176)

Hd Qrs Bu RF&AL
State of Texas
Galveston March 25th 1867

Respectfully returned Approved, to take effect April 10th 1867

By order of
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US Inf

Harris. E. M.
S.A. Comr

Endorsement on letter of D. T. Allen Asst Supt of Schools dated at Bastrop Texas Mar 21st 1867 (A 65)

Hd Qrs Bu RF&AL
State of Texas
Galveston March 26th 1867

Respectfully referred to Lt E. M. Harris Sub Asst Comr at Columbus Texas (through office of A.A.Q.M.) who will see that this lot & building is properly deeded to board of Trustees for school purposes during the week and church purposes on Sunday, and will then make contract with some party in accordance with Circular  No 3 CS Copy enclosed to seat & otherwise repair the same

By order of
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US Inf
AAA Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 19:15:49