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Lancaster Geo
S.A. Comr

Endorsement on the letter of Capt Geo Lancaster S.A. Comr dated at Hempstead Texas March 29th 1867 (L 65)

Hd Qrs Bu. RF.&.AL
State of Texas
Galveston April 1st 1867

Respectfully returned to Capt Geo Lancaster 17th Inft who will refer to Capt Collins 17th Inft at Brenham, the within mentioned Communication

By Order of
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US Inf
A.A.A. Genl

[[strikethrough]] Oakes Genl. [[/strikethrough]]
Suwell. Bvt Brig. Genl F D

Additional endorsement on letter of Dr J M Donaldson dated at Austin Feby 22. 1867. (D 134) EB 325 which was referred to General Oakes and returned by him with the following

Office Sub assist Comr
Bu, RF &c Austin
Travis Co. Texas Mar 27th 1867.

The Legislature of Texas, at its last session passed an act to levy upon every male person twenty one years of age and upwards, an annual Capitation tax of one dollar each, Chap 93. General laws of the Eleventh Legislation  This act applies to Freedmen and Whites alike, it is well known that freedmen are not allowed to vote in Texas or to practice law in the Courts or serve as Jurors.

The Sub Asst Comr in this District is not opposed to negro Doctoring provided it is not applied to himself

Dr John M Donaldson is a freedman of unsound mind who pretends to practice as a Physician in this place by means of charms, spells, witchcraft or something of that kind,

A Report of Capt Byron Porter Sub Asst Comr of Jany 24. 1867 upon a former communication of his to BRF&AL, I believe to be entirely correct. He is now in prison, having been [[strikethrough]] committed [[/strikethrough]] convicted of an attempt to kill his wife by shooting at her with a pistol

Hd Qrs B.R.F&AL
State of Texas
Galveston April 2nd 1867.

Respectfully [[strikethrough]] referred [[/strikethrough]] returned to Bvt Brig Gen F. D. Sewell AAA Genl inviting attention to endorsement of Bvt Brig Genl Jas. Oakes U.S.A. Sub Asst Comr at Austin Texas


Pease W B
Cap & S.A.C

[[strikethrough]] Hd Qrs BRF&AL [[/strikethrough]] 
Endorsement on the letter of Capt W B Pease, S.A. Comr dated at Houston Texas April 2nd 1867. (P 118)

Hd Qrs BRF&AL 
State of Texas
Galveston April 3/67

Respectfully returned to Capt. W B Pease 17th Inf, for compliance with the requirements of the Circular enclosed, with his letter of Jany 6th 1867. endorsed at these Headquarters Jany 9. 1867. and returned to him same date.

By Order of
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US. Inf & AAA Genl

Wheelock E. W.
Ins: F.S.

Endorsement on the letter of E. W. Wheelock, Ins: F.S. dated at Galveston April 2nd 1867. (W 82)

Hd Qrs B.R.F&A.L. 
State of Texas
Galveston April 3. 1867.

Respectfully referred to Capt E. Miller V.R.C. who will procure a boarding place for female teacher, at Navasota also arrange the whole matter regarding schoolhouse &c and ascertain if Mr Reinhard will accept the position of Asst teacher under an experienced teacher, 
Report your action and its result as soon as possible

By Order of 
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 US Inf & A.A.A Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 19:16:50