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342  343

Hutchison Jas SA.C.

Endorsement of the letter of James Hutchison S.A.C. dated at Columbia Texas March 31st 1867. (C 186)

Respectfully returned to Lt Jas. Hutchinson V.R.C. who will rent the building mentioned for the length of time necessary, at the same time push forward the freedmen to erect the new building, so that no vacation will take place in the school Session.

By Order of,
Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lt 26th U.S. Inf & A.A.A.G.

Endorsement on the letter of Frank Barnes County Judge dated at Marlin Texas, April 1st 1867. (B 147)

Fitch. J R. Lt 35th Inf.

Edorsement on the letter of E. M. Wheelock, dated Galveston, Texas. April 9 1867, (W. 84),
Hd Qrs Bu. R.F &c
State of Texas.
Galveston, April 9 1867

Respectfully referred to Lt J R Fitch. 35th Infty SAC at Indianola Texas. Who will have the lot leased to a board of colored School Trusteed consisting of 5 or more for the term of 5 years with the privilege of purchasing the same at the end of that time; upon the completion of which, you will make contract with some party to furnish material to build house for School. as repairs, in accordance with Circular No 3 CS from this office. The freedmen to finish it at once

By Order of,
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Sgned) J T Kirkman
AAA Genl

1st Lft J T Kirkman AAA Genl Bu RF&AL

Endorsement on the letter of Capt Edward Miller SAC dated Millican Texas April 6th 1867 (M 263)

Hd Qrs Bu. RF &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 9 1867

Respectfully returned for a description of the man - Hardens, with his supposed whereabouts_

By Order of,
Brvt Maj. Gen Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lft 26th US Infty
AAA Genl

Recd back Apl 22 '67
(see page 360)

Lft Chas Garretson AAQM. Bu RF&AL

Endorsement on the letter of Lft J R Fitch SAC Indianola Texas March 31st 1867 (F 143)

Hd Qrs Bu. RF &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 8 1867

Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj. Genl Doubleday USA 
for action. The board convened to establish rents &c with the recommendation that these contracts be approved for (3) months.

By Order of,
Brvt Maj. Gen Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lft 26th US Inftry
AAA Genl

Returned from Board Apl 25 1867.
The within contract is app'd by the Board

(Sgd) A. Doubleday
Bvt Maj. Genl & Presdt of Board

A H Mayer SAC

Endorsement on the letter of A H Mayer SAC Liberty Texas Apr 7th 1867 (M 264)

Hd Qrs Bu RF &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 5 1867

Respectfully returned to A H Mayer Esq SAC who will urge the Freedmen to subscribe money enough to put seats & desks in this Room. Then lease the building for one year with privilege of two years at a monthly rental of $10. Repairs to the amount of $30 will be made by Bureau if necessary. Procure a good boarding house for Teacher & notify this Office when all's ready to commence School & a teacher will be sent

By Order of
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T Kirkman
1st Lt 26th US Inftry
AAA Genl

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