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Metzner A 779

Endorsement on letter of George M Smith dated San Augustine Texas March 12th 1867 {S 187}

Hd Qrs BRF &c
State of Texas 
Galveston April 17th 1867

Respectfully referred to Lieut Albert A Metzner, V.R.C. at San Augustine San Augustine Co Texas for his information & action

By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman 
1st Lt 26 Infty AAA Genl

Esq Wheelock E M 
Ins of Schools

Endorsement on letter of Wm H Horton S.A.C. dated Wharton Texas April 15th 1867 {H 153}

Hd Qrs BRF &c
State of Texas 
Galveston April 15th 1867

Respectfully referred to E M Wheelock Esq Insptr of Schools &c for his information and action_

By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th Inf AAA Genl

Valentine Robt.

Endorsement on letter of Robert Valentine {[[PM?]]} dated Galveston April 17th 1867 {V 5} (E.B. 386) (E.B. 396.)

Hd Qrs BRF &c
State of Texas
Galveston April 17th 1867

Respectfully referred to Bvt Lieut Col W B Pease USA who if the facts stated are substantiated permit the children to return to their uncle

By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th Inf AAA Genl


Johnson H S 782 

Endorsement on letter of H S Johnson dated Sumpter Texas April 5th 1867

Hd Qrs BRF &c
State of Texas 
Galveston April 17th 1867

Respectfully referred to Mr Johnson S.A.C. at Sumpter Texas with the information that all the papers in evidence in this case have been referred to him by Genl A Doubleday USA & S.A.C. Galveston Texas for settlement. The proceeds of the cotton is still stopped in the hands of the Merchts & will remain so untill you report a settlement & that the money has been paid. Attend to this at once
By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 Inf AAA Genl

Whiting, N.
Endorsement on letter of N. Whiting (Teacher Freedmen) dated Mch 21" 1867. (W 87)

Hd Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and AL State of Texas 
Galveston April 19th 1867

Rspectfully returned to Mr Whiting (thro' Office of J.S.) inviting attention of Bvt. Brig. Genl Mason U.S.A hereon.  By Par. 1. Circular No 4. Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and AL State of Texas, Series of 1867 enclosed."

By Order of 
Brvt Maj Genl Chas Griffin
(Signed) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26" US. Infty AAAG

Pease Wm. B
(P120) Additional Endorsement on Letter of Capt. Wm B. Pease S.A.C. dated Houston April 2d 1867

Office. B.RF. and AL. Houston Texas
April 16th 1867

"Respectfully returned &c"_  See letter Recd Book

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