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Young, Geo V.
Teacher F.B.

Endorsement on Letter and Bill of Geo. V. Young Teacher Freedmen School dated Liberty Texas Apl. 17th 1867

Head Qrs Bu Ref. F. &c.
State of Texas
Galveston April 22d 1867

"Respectfully referred to Lieut Chas Garretson 17" U.S. Inftry A.A.Q.M. and D.O. BRF. &c. Texas. This is the second acct in similar form that has been received from Mr Maller  The first was sent back to him for proper form.
By Command of 
Brvt Maj. Gen. Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lieut. 26" U.S. Inftry & AAAG

Bearden Alfred
Bureau Agent.

Endorsement on letter of Alfred Bearden Bureau Agent dated Fayetteville, Texas April 4" 1867.

War Department 
Bur. Ref. F. and A.L. 
Washington Apl 12" 1867

"Respectfully refered to Brvt Maj Genl Chas Griffin Asst. Comr for Texas for remarks.
By order of 
Maj. Genl O. O. Howard
(Sgd) A. P. Ketchum
A.A.A. Genl

Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and AL
State of Texas
Galveston April 22d 1867.
"Respectfully referred to the Asst Comr for Texas. The communication seems to have been sent to his Office by mistake.

(Sgd) Chas. Griffin
Bvt Maj. Genl USA
Asst. Comr

Miller. Capt. E.
S.A. Comr

Additional Endorsment on letter of Capt. Edward Miller S.A. Comr dated Millican_ Texas_ Apl 6" 1867, which was returned for a description of Hardens. (M 781)

Head Qrs B.R.F.&AL. Sub. Asst. Comr Office
Millican Apl 20" 1867

"Respectfully returned to Lieut. J. T. Kirkman 26" US. Infantry AAAG BRF.&AL. State of Texas  Thos Hardens is about 40 yrs of age 6 ft. high, heavy set. light hair, and red, full beard. blue eyes. and is said to be a steady sober man, his whereabouts are unknown.

(Sgd) Edward Miller
Capt. & S.A. Comr

Miller E.
Captain and S.A. Comr
(M 781)

Head Qrs Bur. R.F. and AL.
State of Texas
Galveston, April 22" 1867
Respectfully referred to Lieut. A. H. M. Taylor - A.A.A. Genl. Dist. of Texas with the request that F. H. Neill, Sheriff of Brazos Co. Texas, may be removed and another man put in his place who will execute the Laws.

By Order of 
Bvt. Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lieut 26" US. Infantry
A.A.A. Genl.


Endorsement on letter of "Justice" dated  Ellis Prairie Trinity Co Texas Feby 19th 1867. (J 786)

Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and AL.
State of Texas
Galveston, April 22d 1867
"Respectfully referred to Lieut. A. H. M. Taylor. A.A.A. Genl. Dist. of Texas, in connection with Extract from Report of H. S. Johnson Esqr. S.A. Comr respecting B. I. Harper Chief Justice of Trinity Co. Texas

By Order of 
Brvt. Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman AAA Genl.

Young. Geo. V.
Teacher F.B.

Endorsements on letter of Geo. V. Young (Y, 4) dated Liberty Texas Apl 17" 67

Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and AL Office D. A. Galveston Apl. 23" 1867
"Respectfully returned to Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F. and A.L. Texas, with the information that neither of the names of the Teachers mentioned within, appears on the list of salaried Officers furnished by the Supt of Education
It is presumed from the fact of Mr Mayers being instructed to make out their accounts on proper form, that it is the intention to pay them for the month of March 1867. If so, special authority will be required or their names must be added to the list of slaried Teachers for March

(Sgd) Chas Garretson
2d Lt. 17th Infantry & AAQM & DO

Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F.&AL  State of Texas
Galveston, Texas April 23d 1867
Respectfully returned to A. H. Mayer, Esqr who has been authorized to employ Geo. V. Young at $15.00 per month and fees to date Apl 1" 1867
The account referred to in previous endorsements, as having been returned to be made in proper form, was for rent of School House.

By Command of Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Sgd) J T Kirkman 1st Lt & AAAG

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