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372  373

Heath, Mathilda
(See LB - H 162) (EB 367)

Additional Endorsement on letter of Mathilda Heath received from S.A. Comr Office, Richmond thus endorsed Apl 26th dated

"Respectfully returned to Hd. Qrs with the information that I have repeatedly written without receiving any answers. "(By this mail I send a private letter explaining cause of not corresponding). This is s strictly private matter, which I believe gives me the privilege of sending a private letter."

"Respectfully returned to Head Qrs, D of T. inviting attention to the endorsement of Lieut W. H. Rock hereon."
(H 162) & H (166) 

By Command of 
Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed) J T Kirkman
1st Lieut and AAAG

Stevens, Phineas
Lt & S.A. Comr

Endorsement on letter of Lt. P. Stevens. S.aC dated Hallettsville Apl. 24/67

"Respectfully referred to 1st Lt. P. Stevens, Sub. A. Comr at Hallettsville with the information that Hiram Clark, Esqr. will make the desired report for the within mentioned District.
(S 193.)

By Command of, 
Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed J T Kirkman 
1st Lieut and AAAG

Horton, Wm H.
Sub. Asst. Comr

Endorsement on letter of Wm. H. Horton. S.a.C. dated Wharton Apl. 28/67.

"Respectfully referred to Lieut. A. H. M. Taylor, AAA Genl. D of. T. for his information and action."
(H 167)

By Command of 
Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed J T Kirkman 
1st Lieut and AA.A. Genl

Murray. Jno. T.
County Att'ny

Endorsement on letter of Jno. T. Murray C. Att'ny dated Rusk, Cherokee County, March 13th 1867.

"Respectfully referred to Brvt Lieut. Col. D. L. Montgomery. AAC at Tyler, Smith Co. Texas. inviting attention to G.O. #9. C.S. from these Head Qrs. You will enforce strict justice in the within mentioned Case. In cases of illegitimate children, the mothers are entitled to them, if they are of good character."

(Printed form)
(M 372)

By Command of Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed J T Kirkman 
1st Lt & AAAG

Pease, Wm B.
S.A. Comr

Endorsement on letter of Wm B. Pease S.A. Comr dated Apl 26th 1867. Houston.

"Respectfully returned to Brvt L. Col. W. B. Pease Sub. A. Comr at Houston. Texas. with the information that it was thro' mistake that the order relieving Miss Wilder was not sent thro' your Office  You will report her on your papers up to the time she left Houston and notify Capt Porter. S.A.C. at Bastrop. the date she was discharged by you that he may be enabled to report her time properly for the remainder of the month.
(P 129)

By Order of.
Brvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Signed J T Kirkman 
1st Lieut and AAA.G

Griffin, Chas.
Brvt Maj. Genl

(G L.S. 931) Endorsement on letter of Chas Griffin Brvt Maj. Genl to Mj. Genl O. O. Howard, dated Feby 26" 1867_ endorsed by Genl Howard as follows"

Feby 27" "Respectfully forwarded and recommended" (Sgd) O. O. Howard. and further endorsed by Lieut. Genl. Grant.
"Approved and referred to Gel Sheridan for such action as he may direct."
(Sgd) U.S. Grant. Lt Genl

Head Qrs Dept of Gulf. New Orleans La. Mch 4" 1867

"Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin Comdg D of T. The Major Genl Comdg does not know where Col. Degress is - If he is in Texas. and an officer of the Army, Genl Griffin has authority to order him as he requests
By Command of
Brvt Maj. Genl P. H. Sheridan
(Sgd) "Geo Hailsuff A.A.G.

"Respectfully returned to Lieut. A. H. M. Taylor. AAA.G. D of T. with the information that 1st Lieut. J. C. Degress 9th U.S. Cav. (Late Brvt Lt Col. U.S. Vols) is at present on duty in the Dist. of Louisana."

By Command of
Brvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed J. T. Kirkman 
1st Lieut and AAAG