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Brown, DeWitt C.
Sub. Asst. Comr.
Endorsement on letter of DeWitt C. Brown- extract of which was referred to Capt. Edward Miller S.A. Comr 20" Sub. Dst. S of T. and returned by him. May 23", thus endorsed.
Office Sub. Asst. Comr 20 Sub. Dst. S of T.
Millican. May 23" 1867
"Respectfully returned to 1" Lieut. J.T. Kirkman 26" U.S. Inftry A.A.A.G Bur. Ref. F & A L. S of T with the information that the within mentioned fine, has not been paid to me. 
(Sgd) E. Miller
Capt. V.R.C. and S.A. Comr. 
Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F & A L. 
State of Texas, Galveston, May 24" 1867
"Respectfully referred to J.S. Randall S.A. Comr who will collect this fine and report his action to these Head Quarters.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj. Genl Chas. Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & A A A.G

Allen. D.T
Asst. Supt of Schools
Endorsement on letter of D.T. Allen Esqr. Asst. Supt. of Schools which was referred to Lieut. Chas. Garretson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. May 18th 1867. and returned &c. (A 77)
"Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F & A.L. Office A A Q.M & D.O. 
Galveston, 24" May 1867 
"Respectfully returned to Lieut. Kirkman 26" Inftry A A A.G The request of Mr D.T. Allen, cannot be complied with - Payments made from this Office to persons employed by the Govt. are made in accordance with prescribed regulations and customs of the Service and any inconveniences experienced by other parties cannot be permitted to interfere with the systems established by such regulation.
(Sgd) Chas. Garretson
2 Lt. 17" Inftry. A A.Q M & D O
Bur. R.F & A L. S of. T.
Galveston, Tex. May 27" 1867
"Respectfully returned to D.T. Allen Esqr. Asst Supt. of Schools inviting attention to Endorsement of Lieut. Garretson.
By Command of  
Bvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut. A A A G.

Evans. Albert.
S.A. Comr
Kauffman, Tex.
Endorsement on Extract (1) of letter of Albert Evans Esqr. S.A. Comr. dated May 1" and filed. 
Head Qrs Bur. Ref. F & A.L  S of T. 
(E 36) Galveston Tex. May 25" 1867
"Respectfully returned to Albert Evans, S.A. Comr. at. Kauffman, Tex. You will arrest 2 who  - the 1 man - committed this aggravated offense and fine him heavily, taking into considerations the amount of property he may possess and the aggravation of the case reporting your action to these Head Quarters. You will suffer no similar cases to go unpunished It is of the greatest importance that earnest and active action be taken by Officers of the Bureau in case of unprovoked murder, or else it were better that no such branch of the Govt. were in existence. It is not sufficient that these assaults, murders, and other outrages are reported to this Head Quarters Each Officer of the Bureau is expected to call the attention of the Civil authorities to such cases and should they fail to act, he will arrest the parties, and punish the guilty by fine or imprisonment. &c &c &c. printed instructions. 
Cir. No 10"  By Command of 
Bvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed) J.T. Kirkman 
1st Lieut, A A A.G
(E 36)
(Extract 2) Endorsed there on thus." May 25" 
Respectfully returned to Albert Evans Esqr. S.A. Comr 30" Sub. Dst. If the civil authorities refuse to act in this case you will arrest the guilty parties and inflict such fine, or punishment as justice demands. Half the fine to go to the families of the murdered men. 
By Command of 
Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin
(Signed) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut and A A A.G
(Extract 3) May 25" 
"Respectfully returned to Albert Evans. Sub. Asst. Comr 39" Sub. Dst. Arrest these parties at every hazard and turn them over to the authorities of the County where the crime was committed. [[(?)]]. (E 36) 
By Command of 
Bvt Maj. Genl Griffin
(Signed) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut and A A A.G