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432 433

Mason. Jno S.
Bvt Brig. Genl U S A
Endorsement on letter of Jno. S. Mason SaC dated San Antonio. Tex. May 29th 1867.

"Hd. Qrs Bur. Ref. F&AL. June 7th 1867
"Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig. Genl Jno. S. Mason SAC. at San. Antonio. Tex. with the information that every effort has been made to obtain horses for the use of SAC's. but thus far of no avail.
(No 339)

By Command of Bvt Maj. Genl Griffin
Sig J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & AAA.G

Oakes. James
Bvt Brig Genl
Col 6th Cavly SA.C

Endorsement on letter of Jas Oakes Sa.C dated Austin. Tex May 31st 1867.
Bur. Ref. F&AL. June 7th 1867.
"Respectfully furnished Lieut. J. T. Kirkman Supt of Schools for his information.
By Command of Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin
Sig J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & AAAG.
O (19)

Porter. Byron

Endorsement on letter of Byron Porter Sa.C dated Bastrop Tex. June 3d 1867.

Bur. Ref. F&aL. Galv. June 7th 1867
"Respectfully returned to Capt. Byron Porter SA.C at Bastrop Tex. Should Mr Schultze again meet with similar treatment you will arrest the offenders and hold them subject to order from these Head Qrs.
By Command of Bvt  Maj. Genl. Griffin
Sig J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & AAAG.
P (166)

Sturgis F. B

Endorsement on letter of F. B. Sturgis Esqr. dated Wharton, Falls Co. Tex. June 1st 1867.

Bur. Ref. F&aL. June 7th 1867
"Respectfully referred to Lieut. A H. M. Taylor AAAG. D of T. for his information.

By Command of Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin
Sig. J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt & AAAG. 
(S 234)

Stevens Phineas
Lieut & SA.C

Endorsement upon letter of P. Stevens (Extract) relative to Nolan dated Hallettsville, Tex. June 1st 1867

Bur. Ref. F&AL. S of T. June 7th 1867
"Respectfully returned to Lieut. Stevens. SA.C. If upon a thorough investigation you find the facts as set forth within you will fine Mr Nolan $500 for the benefit of the (fm) injured. You are authorized to sell any property he may possess to secure the amount.

By Command of  Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin 
Sig J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & AAAG.
S (236)

O'Connell, J. D.
Bvt Col

Endorsement on letter of A. H. Mayer Sa.C. dated Liberty Tex May 31st 1867

"Bur Ref. F and AL. S of T. June 8th 1867
Respectfully referred to Bvt Col. J. D. McConell, SAC. at Houston Tex. for Collection

By Command of Bvt Maj. Genl Griffin
Sig J. T. Kirkman 
1st Lieut and AAAG.
M (342)

Hutchison. Jas
Lt. V.RC

Additionaal Endorsements on letter of Jas. Hutchison Sa.C. dated Columbia. Tex. Apl. 1st 1867, and referred Ap'l 3d 1867 to the Asst. Comr N.C. And returned by him thus endorsed

[Desired Information Enclosed]
Bu. Ref. F&aL. Head Qrs Asst. Comr N.C.
"Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj. Genl Chas Griffin Asst. Comr of Tex. Attention invited to enclosed communication of D. S. Cowan Esqr. giving information as to whereabouts of the children named within

(Sgd) Nelson. A. Miles
Col & Bvt Maj. Genl Asst Comr 
(H 58)

Bur. Ref. F&aL. S of T. June 8th 1867
"Respectfully returned to Sub. Asst. Comr at Columbia Tex. calling his attention to endorsements hereon.

By Command of. Bvt Maj. Genl. Griffin
Sig J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & AAAG

Transcription Notes:
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