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552  553

Atty. General.
State of Texas.
EB vol 2 71 72 

Endorsement on the letter of E M. Harris. SA.C, dated Columbus. Texas. Aug. 23. 1867. (H. 338) E.B. vol 227, 28. 

H'd Qu'r's B.R.F and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. Aug 28. 1867.

Respectfully referred to the Atty General State of Texas, for information concerning the within mentioned Rail Road, 

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.

Sturgis, S. D.
Bvt Brig, Gen. & S.A.C.

Endorsement on the letter of Col. James Oakes. S.A.C. dated Austin Texas. Aug. 22. 1867. (O 43) EB. 33. II 

H'd Qu'r's Bu. R.F and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston Aug 28" 67

Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Gen. S. D. Sturgis. Sub Asst Comr. for his information, action and report 

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A
Asst Commissioner.

Garretson. Chas
Lieut & A.A.Q.M &c

Endorsement on extract of letter of A. H. Pelonge. AA.QM, dated War. Dept. Washington. D.C. Aug. 9. 1867.

Head. Q'r's B.R.F and A.L.
State of Texas,
Galveston Aug 28. 1867,

Respectfully furnished Lieut Chas Garretson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. for his information

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt. Maj. Gen U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner.

Comdg Officer
State of Texas.

Endorsement on the letter of J. W. Barnes dated Sumpter Texas Aug 1867. (B. 251)

Hd Qu'r's Bu R.F.&A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug. 28. 1867

Respectfully referred to Com'd'g. Officer Dist of Texas.

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt Maj Gen U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner

Evans J. H.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Blanchard and Phillips. dated Wharton. Texas Aug 26. 1867. (B 252) Which was endorsed by J H. Evans. S.A.C. dated Wharton. Texas, Aug. 26. 1867, as follows. 

Respectfully forwarded to Lieut. J. T. Kirkman A.A.A. Gen. Bu. R.F.&.A.L. Mr Phillips presented me this communication with the request that I forward it to the Asst Comr. for his dicision, with regard to the complaint of Blanchard & Phillips. I informed Mr Phillips that I did not think it a proper case for me to act upon, and that I thought that it was the intention of the Gen Comdg that such cases should come before the civil courts, as there was now a chance for Union men to obtain justice in them by the enforcement of the "Jury Order", Mr Phillips is a Union man & was a Union man during The rebellion and he is now the object of the cordial dislike and hatred of nearly all the white citizens of this county; on account of his political sentiments & the course pursued by him during the rebellion, In 1864 he fled to Mexico to avoid service in the Confederacy. Of Mr. Blanchard. I know but little but I believe that he was a rebel during the rebellion,

H'd Qu'r's Bu R.F and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. Aug. 28. 1867.

Respectfully returned. Suits of this nature must be prosecuted before the civil Courts

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.

Comndg Officer
Dist of Texas

Endorsement on the letter of H. S. Johnson. S.A.C, dated Sumpter. Texas. Aug 17. 1867. (J. 109.)

H'd Qu'r's Bu. R.F and A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. Aug. 28. 1867.

Respectfully referred to the Comdg Officer Dist. of. Texas. for this information & action

(Sgd) Chas Griffin 
Bvt Maj Gen U.S.A.
Asst Commr.

Transcription Notes:
Replaced with [[?]] sometimes a word, sometimes few.