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Bradford. J. H. Capt. & S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of Capt J H. Bradford dated Centreville. Tex. Aug. 16. 1867.
H'd Q'u'r's B.R.F.& A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug. 29. 1867.
Respectfully returned with the information that no provision has been made by the Bureau to reimburse persons who have cared for decreped freedpeople. It is a duty for the County.
(Sgd) Chas Griffin
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.

Miller. Ed, Capt. & S.A.C
Endorsement on letter of Capt Miller dated Millican, Texas, Aug 17. 1867.
H'd Q'r's. B.RF.& A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug 30. 1867.
Respectfully returned to Capt Miller with the information that the Bureau has none.
Sgd Chas Griffin
Bvt Maj Gen U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.

Stevens. P. 1st Lt & S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of Lt Stevens dated Hallettsville, Texas. Aug, 27. 1867. (S 307)
H'd Qu'r's B.R.F&A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. Aug 30. 1867.
Respectfully returned: you will compel the proper civil authorities to provide for indigent and helpless freedpersons. Orphan children should be apprenticed to proper persons who would give bonds to give them a stated amount of schooling yearly.(Sgd) Chas Griffin
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A
Asst Commissioner.
State of Texas.

Bryant A. S.A.C.
Additional endorsement on the letter of A [[?]] Bryant S.A.C dated Sherman Texas. July 24. 1867. (B234) Which was endorsed by I Johnson. S.A.C. dated La Grange. Texas. Aug 12 1867 as follows (EB. 520) 
Respectfully returned to H'd Q'rs B.R.F & A.L. Thus far I have been unable to find the above named Thos. Simpson But as soon as found the children shall be returned
H'd Q'rs B.R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug 31. 1867
Respectfully returned: Attention is called to the endorsement of Issac Johnson. Sub Asst. Comr. at La Grange Texas.
Chas Griffin
Bvt Maj Gen U.S.A
Asst Commissioner.
Finch. E. S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of E. Finch. S.A.C. dated Milford. Texas. Aug 12. 1867. (F. 93.)
H'd Qrs Br.RF & A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston. Aug 31. 1867.
Respectfully returned with copy of Circular Letter of May 27 1867. inclosed. The receipt concerning which information is asked should be dated signed and returned to these H'd Q'rs if the article mentioned were received 
By command of Bvt Maj Gen Griffin 
(Sgd) Chas Garretson
Lieut and A.A.A Gen.

Collin. Ed. Capt & S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Maj Gen. A Doubleday S.A.C. dated Galveston. Texas. July 31. 1867. (D701)
H'd Q'r's B.R.F. & A.L.
State of Texas. 
Galveston. Aug 31. 1867.
Respectfully referred to Capt Ed. Collin Sub Ass't Com'r for his information action & remarks.
By command of &cc
Sgd. Chas Garretson.
Lieut and AAA Gen.