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Austin. S.T. 17
Act Ast. Gen D of Texas, 23, 24, 32, 87,  148, 154, 155, 156, 162, 165, 181, 189, 190, D.
Asst Comr. Texas. 40, 147, 153,
Asst Comr. Tennessee 41, 104, 135, 170, 173, 303, 310,
Asst Comr. Alabama. 47,
Asst Comr. Louisiana. 56, 91, 146, 154, 185, 
Asst Comr. Virginia 138, 139, 183, 
Asst Comr. Kentucky. 141,
Asst Comr. Arkansas. 21, 153,
Asst Comr. Maryland. 158, 184, 203, 
[[Augell? Angell?]]. Lt EB, 193, 274, 278,
Archer, JH. 259.
A.A.A. Gen. 5. M.D. 282, 306, 317, 318, 320.
Asst Comr of Ga. 295,
Autrey, John. 322, 323, 
Autrey, Wm 323.,
Asst Comr for Miss: 19, 85, 91, 313,
A.A.A. Gen. B, R, & Texas. 30, 33, 148, 162,
Allison, Robt. 60, 62, 66,
Atkins & Holt 104, 303,
Anthony. R, 154,  

Transcription Notes:
Tabs on the side of Book not transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-02 20:00:40