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[[left margin]] Sturgis F.B. Sub Asst Comr [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Hobby and Post, dated Marlin, Texas, September 20th 1867. H. 7. VOL II
Head Quarters B.R.F and AL
State of Texas 
Galveston, October 1st 1867.
Respectfully referred to F.B. Sturgis, Sub Asst Comr at Marlin, for investigation, and such action as may be necessary for the protection of the freedmen interested in the within mentioned cotton
By Command of. Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds.
Chas. Garretson,
2nd Lieut and A.A.A Gen

[[left margin]] Pease, W.B. Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Lt Col W.B. Pease. dated Austin, Texas, September 1867. P.3 VOL II
Head Quarters Bu. R.F. and. A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, October. 1st 1867.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt. Col. W.B. Pease, with the information, that neither of his reports for the month of April or May make any reference to the within mentioned case
By order of
Bvt Maj Gen. Reynolds.
Chas. Garretson,
2nd Lieut and A.A.A. Genl

[[left margin]] Howard O.O. Maj Gen Commissioner. [[/left margin]]

Additional endorsement on the letter of E.M. Harris. Sub Asst Comr dated Columbus, Texas. August 23rd 1867. H.338 VOL I which was endorsed by the Attorney General. State of Texas as follows E.B. 553.
"Received September 7th and respectfully returned on the 10th with the following statement and opinion. No report from the Columbus Tap R.R is to be found in the Comptrollers office, and none from the B.B & CRW. Co in which it is mentioned. Hence the facts sought can only be obtained from Testimony, and from the books of the road if any there be. If Gen. Mac Gruder did "acquire" the road with intent to use and employ the same" in aid of the rebellion, it is subject to be condemned and sold for the benefit of the U.S. Gov. (U.S. Stat. at large 1861. Ch LX p 319) The facts may warrant its confiscation. under a later statute (See U.S. Stat. at large for 1861-2 Ch CXCV p 589. If found condemnable, it may 


be seized, and the U.S. Dist Atty at Houston directed to institute proceedings against it, Under Sec 2 of the act first cited it may be libelled at once without waiting for a term as in a naval [[?]] case."
Head Quarters B.R.F & AL.
State of Texas.
Galveston, October 1st 1867.
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen. O O Howard Commissioner &c for instruction
Chas Garretson,
2nd Lieut & AAA Gen
(In absence of the Asst. Comr)

[[left margin]] Howard Maj Gen. O.O. Commissioner. [[/left margin]]

Additional endorsement on the vouchers for commutation of rations of detachment, which were forwarded and endorsed by Wm Garrestson, S.A.C. dated. Galveston. Texas, September. 28th 1867. as follows. G 8 VOL II (E.B. Vol 2 48)
"Respectfully referred to Lt. Chas Garretson A.A.A Gen. with the information that Bvt Major W.H. Nash, C.S. has refused to pay the within accounts"
Head Quarters B.R.F & A.L.
State of Texas.
Galveston, October 1 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen O.O. Howard, Commissioner &c with the information that the inclosed are specimens of many accounts. Throughout the State, payment of which has been refused by Bvt Maj W.H. Nash, Commissary of Subsistance, who requires a positive order from the General Commanding the Dist of Texas, to pay them at 75 cents per ration. Several Agents of this Bureau have paid large amounts for commutation of rations for their detachments. To preserve the credit of the Bureau and Government, but many of them have not sufficient funds to advance for this purpose which causes great annoyance to them and their detachments. If possible please have some definite orders issued to correct this.
Chas Garretson,
2nd Lieut and AAA Gen.
(In absence of the Asst Comr)

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