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Randlett Capt N. H.
Sub. Asst Com.

Additional endorsement the letter of N.H. Randlett S.A.C. dated Anderson, Texas. Aug 8" 1867. (R vol 1 183) (EB Vol 1 530) which was referred by the Asst. Com. for Arkansas to the agent for Little Rock Ark. dated Little Rock Ark. Aug 23 1867 which was returned by Lieut A.F. Dyer Agt. B.R. &c dated Little Rock, Ark Nov 5 1867 endorsed as follows,

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Gen. Jno. E. Bennett, Act. Asst Adjt Gen B.R.F & A.L. for Arkansas .and [[?]] with the information that after made all endeavor in my power to find out the whereabouts of Ann Cowdy, by communicating with the Civil Offices of Hot Springs County and several leading citizens of the town of Hot Springs Ark. I have been unsuccessful in discovering her whereabouts, or even to hear of her or the man William Lusty, who abducted her. The parties to Hot Springs employed by me excellent men and made thorough inquiry during the past two months. They report that they believe the parties sought after are not living at Hot Springs or vicinity. nor can anyone be found who knows them. Which was returned to Hd. Qrs. B. R. F. & A. L. Texas by Bvt. Brig. Gen. C.H. Smith, Asst Com for Ark. dated Little Rock Ark. Nov 5, 1867

Head Quarters B. R. F. & A. L.
State of Texas 
Austin City, Nov 20, 1867 
Respectfully returned to Capt. N.H. Randlett whose attention is called to the foregoing endorsements.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen 
J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty A.A.A. Gen.

Smith T.M.K.
Capt S.A.C.
Additional endorsement on the letter of Capt. T.K.M. Smith S. A. C., dated Nacogdoches, Texas Oct 12 1867 (S Vol (EB Vol 2 48) Which was returned by Capt F.M.K. Smith S.A.C. dated Nacogdoches, Texas Nov 7, 1867 with a statement of the sheriff of Nacogdoches County to the effect that the Country is unable to take charge of the prisoner Jourdan King (fmc).
Headquarters B.R.F. & A. L. 
State of Texas 
Austin City Nov 20 1867
Respectfully returned. Attention is called to endorsement from there Head Quarters dated Oct 20 which will be complied with.
By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. U.S. Inf. A. A. A. Genl 

Metzner, A.A.
Lieut S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of Lieut A.A. Metzner S.A.C. dated San Augustine, Texas, Nov. 7, 1867. (M Vol 2 68)
Head Quarters B.R.F.& A.L.
State of Texas
Austin City, Nov. 20, 1867
Respectfully returned. It appears from the within papers that these claims against the estate of J.M. Meador have been duly credited by the Administrator; in which case they will be collected by due course of law.
By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 28 Inf A.A.A. Gen.

Kirkman W.G.
Endorsement on the letter of W.G. Kirman S.A.C. dated Boston, Texas, Nov 7, 1867.

Head Quarters B.R.F.& A.L.
State of Texas
Austin City, Nov. 22 1867

Respectfully returned. Permission is granted to make the change provided there is no increase of rent.
By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 28 Inf A.A.A. Gen.

Transcription Notes:
Not quite sure about (R vol 183) Edited. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-06 22:35:01