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Johnson, H. S. Sub. Asst Comr
Endorsement on the letter of H.S. Johnson. Sub Asst Comr. dated Sumpter Texas November 17,1867. (J. vol 2. 39)
Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau, Ref. Texas and A. Lands.
Austin Texas. Dec 2, 1867
Respectfully returned to H. S. Johnson S.A.C. at Sumpter, Disapproved, It is not deemed necessary or proper for Sub. Asst Commissioners to issue any Gen. Orders,
By Command of Bvt. Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds,
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Infty a.a.a.Genl

Van Horne Wm. M. 1st Lieut. S.A.C.
Endorsement of the letter of Capt Ed. Miller S.A.C dated Bryan City, November 24, 1867. (M 83 vol 2) EB Vol 201
Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau Ref. Texas & A.L.
Austin Texas Dec. 2, 1867.
Respectfully referred to 1st Lieut Wm.M. Van Horne Sub Asst Comr at Houston, Texas who is authorized to collect from the express Company $100 specie with interest thereon from the date that the amount was received from Jackson Myer by said company, and will transmit the funds as collected to Capt Ed Miller Sub Asst Comp at Bryan City for delivery to fm Jackson Myer.
By command of Bvt. Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds,
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Infty A.A.A.Gen

Malloy A. G. Lieut S.A.C
Endorsement on the letter of Geo W Smith, dated Jefferson Texas Nov 24 1867 (S 73 vol 2)
Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau RF&AL
Austin, Texas. Dec 4, 67
Respectfully returned (thro' 1s Lieut A.G. Malloy, SAC) This case must be settled in the civil courts. No military interference will be made
By command of Bvt Maj J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lt 26 Infty. AAA Gen

Bascom, G.M. Lieut Sub Asst Comr
Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Maj Gen A. Doubleday, SAC dated Galveston, Texas, April 11, 1867 (D 14 vol 2)
Which was referred by order of Maj Gen O.O. Howard to Asst Comr of Dist of Columbia and West Virginia, dated Washington DC, April 18, 1867, and was referred by Bvt Brig Gen. C.H. Howard, Asst Comr to Lt. A.F. Higgs Supt of RF of Jefferson & Berkeley Cos. W. Va. dated Washington D.C. April 20, 1867, and was returned by Lt A.F. Higgs to H'd Qrs of Asst Comr dated Harpers Ferry, W. Va May 7th 1867 endorsed as follows
Respectfully returned to H'd Qurs Asst Comr. I wrote to Jas M. Brady of Springfield asking the very questions that are given in the within. His answer is enclosed herewith which it will be seen furnishes little information I am unable to do more unless I go the the place & investigate in person.
Which was again referred by order of Bvt Brig Gen CH Howard to Bvt Ma S.N Clark, AAIG dated Washington DC Aug. 23, 1867 and was referred by S.N. Clark, AAIG to Bvt Capt I.C. Brubaker Sub Asst Comr for report dated Washington D.C. Oct 29 1867.
Which was returned by Capt IC. Brubaker SAC dated Harper's Ferry, Nov 16, 1867, endorsed as follows.
Respectfully returned to Maj S.N. Clark AAIG with the information that Louis Washington is at present living about three miles from Springfield Hampshire Co. W. Va. He has acquired some property and has no disposition to leave his present home. he is anxious that his wife should return to Virginia and join him Mary Dixon is living with Geo Wilson at Frankfort Mineral Co W. Va. Ida and John with Mr David Reese near Patterson Creek.
Which was returned (thro' office of Comr) to Bvt Maj Gen A Doubleday SAC at Galveston Texas by Bvt Brig Gen. C.H. Howard dated Nov. 18, and was forwarded to Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds by order of O.O. Howard, Maj Gen Comr &c dated Washington D.C. Nov 20, 1867
Headquarters District of Texas
Austin, Texas Dec 2, 1867
Respectfully returned to ast Lieut G.M. Bascom Sub Asst Comr whose attention is called to the foregoing endorsements. Julia Washington fwc can be found at Washington Hotel in Galveston
By order of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Infty AAA Gen.