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Butler, Jas P. S.A.C.
Endorsement on the letter of J.R. Smithers dated Huntsville Texas. Nov. 25, 1867.
Which was forwarded to Jas P. Butler S.A.C. dated Huntsville Texas Nov. 29. 1867. endorsed as follows.
Respectfully referred to Headquarters Bu. R. F & A L
State of Texas. Whose attention is solicited to the within documents
My communication appended to the petition of J.R. Smithers
will explain my position in the case. I stopped the execution of the distress warrant on the ground that the freedmen are are in no way accountable for the rent of the place. Their contract was to work for a third of the crop and the employer to finish everything, and it would be an injustice to seize their portion of the crop to pay their employers debts. I hardly think it necessary to refer their case for instruction for it is a point already established by the bureau, but I wish to show the contumacy of these brainless pettifogging Rebel judges and lawyers who are continuously trying to evade the orders of the commanding Officer of the State, and create trouble and confusion.
I would respectfully request that the clerk of the Dist Court for Walker bounty be directed to erase from his docket my name as a party in the suit, as it may be an annoyance to me hereafter if Rebels ever get into office.

Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau R. F& A L. 
Austin, Texas Dec 4, 1867.
Respectfully returned. Your action in this case is sustained. Should the action against you become troublesome, it will be dismissed. But the new appointments of Judicial officers will probably set the matter right without an order. In the mean time you will see that your order is enforced and resist all interference therewith.
By command of Bvt Maj. Gen J.J Reynolds.
JP. Richardson
1st Lt 26. Infantry A.A.A. Gen

Emerson J. J. Capt SAC
Additional endorsement on the letter of Edwin Finch dated Milford, Texas, Sept. 5, 1867. (EB 21 vol 2) (F 1 vol 2). Which was referred to Asst Comr for Arkansas, dated Galveston Texas, Sept 14, 1867, and by him referred to Comd Officer Port of Fayetteville Ark dated, Little Rock, Ark. Oct 4, 1867 and was returned by W. O. Lattimore Capt dated Fayetteville Ark Nov 11, 1867, endorsed as follows.
Respectfully returned. Before the receipt of this communication the boy had been sent to his home in Texas in charge of a neighbor.
Which was returned by Bvt Brig Gen. C.H. Smith Asst Comr for Ark. to H'd Qurs BRF&AL State of Texas, dated Little Rock, Ark. Nov. 19, 1867.
Head Quarters District of Texas
Bureau RF&AL
Austin, Texas, Dec
Respectfully returned to Capt J.J. Emerson Sub Asst Comr whose attention is called to the foregoing endorsement.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Infantry AAA Gen

Miller Capt Ed. SAC
Endorsement on the letter of Capt Edward Miller SAC dated Bryan City, Nov. 29, 1867  (N 86 vol 2)
Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau RF and AL
Austin, Texas Dec. 4, 1867.
Respectfully returned. An Inspector cannot be sent at present. You will hold the store.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lt 26 Infantry AAA Gen