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[[left margin]] Emerson Jas. Jay Capt 26. Infty [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Capt J J Emerson 26. Infantry dated Waco. Texas. December. 8. 1867 E. Vol 2. 24.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau Refugees. F. & A L.
Austin, Texas. Dec. 13. 1867.
Respectfully referred to Capt J.J. Emerson 26. U.S. Infantry. The prisoner will be released unless more testimony can be obtained against him than is contained in the inclosed affidavit.
By command of Bvt Maj. Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty A A A Genl

[[left margin]] Howard O.O. Maj Gen. Comr &c [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Isaac Johnson. S.A.C. dated La Grange, Texas. December. 10. 1867. (J. Vol 2. 42)
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. Ref. F'men & A. Lands
Respectfully reforwarded to Maj Gen. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c Washington D.C. with the request that the resignation of Mr Isaac Johnson, Agent of this Bureau be accepted to take effect Dec. 21st 1867.
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty A.A.A Gen.
(In absence of Asst Commissioner)

[[left margin]] Miller Capt Edward. Sub. Asst Comr. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Capt Edward Miller. S.A.C. dated Bryan City Texas. Dec. 17. 1867 (M Vol 2. 94)
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau Refugees F. & A Lands.
Austin. Texas. Dec. 14. 1867.
Respectfully returned to Capt Ed Miller, Sub. Asst Comr at Bryan City, Texas, It is not deemed expedient to furnish transportation in the within case
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds.
J P [[?]]
Bvt Capt U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 17th Infantry, A.A.A Genl


[[left margin]] Hancock & West. Attorneys. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Hancock & West, dated Austin Texas, December 6, 1867. (H. Vol 2. 68)
Headquarters District of Texas. 
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas, Dec 14. 1867.
Respectfully returned to Messrs Hancock & West, Attys. with the information that the property known as the Waco Manufactory, is to be sold at Auction on the 26th Inst.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds.
J.P [[?]]
Bvt Capt. U S A & 1st Lieut 17th Infantry, A.A.A. Gen.

[[left margin]] Stiles. D.F. Lieut & S.A.C. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Lieut. D.F. Stiles S.A.C. dated Waco. Texas December 10. 1867 (S. Vol 2. 86)
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau R.F. & A L.
Austin, Texas, Dec 16. 1867.
Respectfully returned to Lieut D F. Stiles, Sub Asst Comr with the information that the Waco Factory is to be sold or leased for a number of years, on the 26th inst in the City of Galveston. Proposals should be addressed to Lieut J.P. Richardson C.D.O. at that place.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds.
1st Lieut 17. Inf. Bvt Capt U S A. A.A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Morrison. John. H. S.A.C. [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of J.H. Morrison, S.A.C. dated Palestine Texas. December. 2nd 1867. (M Vol 2. 96) 
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas. Dec. 17. 1867.
Respectfully returned to J.H. Morrison. S.A C. with the information that the within mentioned papers were received, and referred to Dist H'd Qurs. (where they properly belong) on the 19th of Oct, but the records of those H'd Qurs do
not show that they have been received. Perhaps a new set had better be made out and sent there. 
The Bureau neither feeds, clothes, warms, nor quarters soldiers of the Army.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds.
Bvt Capt. U S.A. 1st Lt 17. Inf. A.A.A Gen.

Transcription Notes:
several [[?]]