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[[left margin]] Welsh. Wm A. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the letter of Wm A. Welsh, dated Dec 23 1867. (W. (2) 25.)

Headquarters. District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F. & A.L.
Austin. Texas. Dec 28, 1867.

Respectfully returned to Mr Wm A Welsh Registrar, with the information that civil officers can pass judgement or sentence, and their decisions are valid until they are removed from office whether, they can register or not.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds.
C.S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt U.S.A. 1st Lt. 17. Infty. A.A.A. Gen.

[[left margin]] Reinhard. F. W. 
S.A.C. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the letter of J. L. Spivey, dated Houston Co Texas. Nov 22. 1867.

Which was referred to F. W. Reinhard. S.A.C. and returned by him dated Crockett, Texas. Dec 10. 1867 with a report substantially as follows.

That he J. L. Spivey. arrested a freedman charged with horse stealing, that without hearing any witnesses he informed the prisoner that if he did not compromise he would have to go to the penitentiary. That the freedman compromised it and payed costs, &c.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F & A L. 
Austin, Texas. Dec 30. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Fred W. Reinhard Sub Asst Comr. Your action in this case is unauthorized and is disapproved. The fine assessed upon Mr Spivey will be remitted and all proceedings against him be discontinued.
You will inform him of this action.

By Command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds
C.S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt USA. 1st Lt 17. Inf. A A A Gen.


[[left margin]] Howard O. O.
Maj Gen. Comr &c [[/left margin]
Additional endorsement on the letter of Chas White. (cold) dated. Elizabeth City N C. June. 24. 1867. (W (1) 135)
Which was referred by order of Maj Gen. O. O. Howard, Comr &c dated Washington. D.C. June 27. 1867. to the Asst Comr for North Carolina, for recommendation.

And was endorsed by order of Bvt Maj Gen N. A. Miles, dated Raleigh, N.C. June 29. 1867. as follows.

Respectfully referred to W. H. Doherty Agent. for a report as to the ability of within named man to support the parties now in Texas, for whom he desires transportation.

And was returned by W. H. Doherty. Agent. dated Elizabeth City N.C. July 4th 1867, endorced as follows. -

Respectfully returned to Lt Col Jacob F Chur A A.A. Gen with the information that Charles White is one of our most industrious and reliable men, he is a good carpenter, and is now farming he expects to raise 500 bbls. of corn this year and is quite able to maintain his wife & children.
And was returned by Bvt Maj Gen. N. A. Miles. to Maj Gen. O O. Howard Comr &c dated Raleigh. NC. July 8th 1867. "recommended"

A Copy of which was referred to Bvt Maj Gen. C. Griffin by Maj Gen O. O Howard. endorsed as follows, dated. July. 10. 1867.

Official copy respectfully referred to Bvt Maj General Chas Griffin, U.S.A Asst Comr Galveston Texas. with order for transportation enclosed The Asst Comr will please cause the transportation to be [[strikethrough]] sent [[/strikethrough]] issued and sent to the parties named within. As the application fails to state the age of the children, the Asst Comr will please, cause it to be ascertained and noted upon the order before transportation is issued reporting the same to this office that the records of the office may be complete.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F & A.L. Austin Dec 28

Respectfully returned to Maj Gen O. O. Howard Commissioner &c with the information that repeated efforts have been made without avail to find Lucinda Casey. (fw) and her children.
Hence the return of these papers at so late a day.

J J Reynolds 
Bvt Maj Gen. USA. 
Assistant Commissioner
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
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