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Howard. Maj. Gen O. O.
Commissioner &c

Additional endorsement on the letter of Hannah Lewis dated Austin. Texas, Nov. 27. 1867. (L. 27) EB. 87. EB 123.
Which was returned by Bvt Brig Gen James, Oakes. S.A.C. dated Austin. Texas. Jan. 16. 1868. endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned with the following remarks. George the son of the petitioner is a boy about 14 years old and has lived at Mr H. B Kinneys all his life. From his own statement it appears that he has not been worked further than to assist MrKinneys cousin in carrying wood and water. His mother was a former slave of MrKinney's but was sold while the boy was very young; about one year ago, she returned to Austin, saw thee boy at Mr Kinneys house, and left him there  Some months afterwards she came again with the avowed purpose of taking the boy away with her. Mr Kinney told her that the boy was unwilling to leave his house, but that she might stay there as long as she liked conversing with her son and if possible to persuad with him to leave with her, She however after a short trial, left Mr Kinney's house & reported at the Bureau Office that Mr Kinny was keeping her child in slavery. An order was immediately given to Mr Kinney to report to this office, and to bring the child with him. The mother was present when they came, Mr Kinney was then requested to withdraw for half an hour, which he did.

It was explained to the boy that Mr Kinney had no right to control him in any way in order to prevent his returning to his mother. and they were left alone, without however. any favorable result to the latter. The boy only quarrelled with her, he was told that he should not speak so to his mother, when he promptly replied that he looked on Mrs Kinney as his mother, and on her children as his brothers, and that he did not wish anyone to separate them, The boy was firm and could be moved by anything his mother said, Mr Kinney was called in and told that he might keep the boy ow the following a conditions.
1st That his mother should have access to him wherever she should desire it.
2nd That he should be educated.
3rd That his mother was to get him as soon as the boy. was willing to leave with her.
George is so very light colored that he might be mistaken for a white boy. he is high spirited and determined, and seems to be well cared for.
Mr Kinney stated that he sold Hannah on account of her dissipated habits, she leaving her child at might to be taken care of by Mr Kinney while she was away
Hannah stated that Mr Kinney had treated her badly before he sold her. [[strikethrough]] Hannah stated that Mr Kinney had treated [[/strikethrough]] Mr Kinneys general character as a citizen is good, In this case it seems that the Rights of the mother, and those of the the boy are entirely antagonistic. It was believed that had the child been forced unter the control of his mother it was very improbable that he wiould have remained there any length of time,

Headqurters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&A.L
Austin Texas, January 23 "68

Respectdully renturned to Maj Gen O. O. Howard. Comr &c  Attention is invited to endorsement of Bvt Brig. Gen. Jas Oakes Sub. Asst Comr at Austin, hereon

J  J Reynolds
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner for Texas.

Lowrie, James.

Endorsement on the letter of James Lowrie S.A.C. dated Jasper Texas. January 8. 1868. (L 37-)

Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau R.F.&A Lands.
Austin, Texas January 22. 1868.

Respectfully returned. If you had carefully investigated the case of the freedboy Jack before you gave the order to Mr Burnum, so as to be satisfied of the justice of the order, you should have enforced your action, by military force if necessary. If you were not satisfied of the justice of your order. you should not have given it at all. It is impossible to determine such cases at H'd Qurs, without examining, all the parties concerned. It is your duty to examine and decide such cases, being in all cases guided by your judgement, as to what will be best for the child. The State Apprentice Law, is not to be taken into account if it used as a means of working injustice.

By order of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infty. A.A.A. General

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