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Rand. Chas F. 
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of Chas. F. Rand Sub. Asst Comr dated Clarksville, Texas, Jan. 26. 1868, (R. 92)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau R.F.&AL
Austin, Texas. Jan. 14. 1868,

Respectfully returned to Chas F. Rand Sub. Asst Com. at Clarksville, Texas
It is not deemed expedient or proper that agents should run for the convention,

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A General,

Clark. Hiram

Additional endorsement on the letter of Wm H. Sinclair dated Sumpter, Texas. Dec 9. 1867. (S. 97)
Which was referred to Lieut A. A Metzner S.A.C. for report dated Austin. Texas. Dec. 28. 1867, and returned by him dated San Augustine. Texas Jan 13. 1868. endorsed as follows,

Respectfully [[strikethrough]] wit [[/strikethrough]] returned with the report that 1st I acknowledge the within mentioned debt.
2nd That I am perfectly willing to pay the same.
3rd That I have so far. not been able to do so the order (S.O No 35.) ordering me to San Augustine having been lost twice by the Paymaster. In consequence, I could draw no pay for several months, and no travelling expenses for the voyage from Clinton to San Augustine. It is true that i have left my pay accounts. at Clinton. but I have informed the parties there, that I had been compelled to make out new accounts and would pay as soon as I could draw my travelling expenses,

Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau R.F.&AL.
Austin Texas. Jan 27. 1868

Respectfully referred to Mr Hiram Clark Sub Asst Comr at Clinton Texas. for his information

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infty. A.A.A. Genl

Pease, W. B.
Bvt Lt Col. Sub. Asst. Comr

Endorsement on the letter of Col W. B. Pease. dated Houston. Texas_ January 20. 1868. (P 29).

Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau. R.F.&.A.L.
Austin. Texas. Jan 27, 1868.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt Col Pease Sub. Asst Comr at Houston Texas, who should decide this case entirely upon his judgement of what is for the best interest of the Girl. The step father has no legal claim to her: neither has Mrs Harris any claim under the Apprentice Law.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds,
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty. A.A.A. General

Howard O O. Maj Gen.
Commissioner &c

Endorsement on the letter of Jane Smith, dated Kickapoo Texas. Nov 11. 1867. (S. 69)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&AL.
Austin Texas. Jan. 27. 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen O O. Howard, Commissioner &c Washington D.C. with the recommendation that the within mentioned property be restored to Mrs Jane Smith

J J Reynolds
Bvt Maj Gen U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner State of Texas,

Vaughan A. J.

Endorsement on the letter of A. J. Vaughan. Atty [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] dated Columbus Texas January 28. 1868. (V. 6) (See L.S. 217 page)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Austin Texas Jan. 29. 1868

Respectfully returned to A. J. Vaughan Atty for Bram. Sigh & Wash. Howel (thro' office of S.A. Comr at Columbus. Texas.)
Enon M. Harris. Sub. Asst Comr at Columbus. has been instructed as to what action to take in this case in letter dated Jan 9th from these Headquarters.

By order of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infantry A.AA. Genl

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