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Brown. D. W. C.

Endorsement on the letter of D. W. C Brown. S.A.C. dated Paris, Texas. Jan 22. 1868,  B. 18,

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau, R.F.&A.L.
Austin, Texas. Feb 4. 1868,

Respectfully returned. Under the circumstances it is deemed expedient to return the property to Mr. G. W. Price, Whenever property of this nature is found a statement of the case should be made to Headquarters, - before it is seized. unless the parties would probably dispose of it before instructions could be received.

By order of Bvt. Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infty. AAA General

Rock. W. H.
Sub. Asst Comr

Additional endorsement on the letter of Wm H. Rock. S.A.C. dated Richmond, Texas. Jan. 27. 1868,
Which was referred by the AAA Gen Dist of Texas to the Surgeon in Chief dated Austin Texas Jan. 31, 1868.
And was returned by the Chief Medical Officer dated Austin Texas. Jan. 31. 1868, endorsed as follows

Respectfully returned thro' AAA Gen Headquarters Dist of Texas to W. H. Rock Esq Sub Asst Comr B.R.F&AL. Richmond Texas for completion of the within accounts to enable Dr Thompson to procure payment. Opposite the name of each patients, the date and charge for each visit, and for Medicines, should be given. The certificate of the Physician is to be corrected according to the words added in pencil. These papers to be returned to this office.

Which was returned by the AAA Gen Dist of Texas thro' H'd Qurs BRF&AL. dated Austin Texas Feb 3, 1868,

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau R.F.&AL.
Austin Texas, Feb. 4th 1868,

Respectfully returned to Mr Wm H. Rock. S.A. Comr whose attention is called to the endorsement of Surgeon in Chief,

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty. A.A.A. Gen

Roberts T F.

Endorsement on the letter of T. F Roberts. dated Seguin. Texas. Jan. 31, 1868. (R 98)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&A.L.
Austin. Texas. Feb. 4, 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr T. F Roberts (thro office Sub. Asst Comr at Seguin)
As the parties chose to have this case settled by the civil authorities it is not deemed advisable to interfere in the matter.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. .J Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty. A.A.A. Genl

McClosky, B.

Endorsement on the letter of B. McClosky, dated Milam. Texas. January. 8. 1868. (M 139)
Which was referred to Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds. by order of Maj Gen. W. S. Hancock dated New Orleans, La Jan 27. 1868.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&AL.
Austin. Texas. Feb. 6. 1868,

Respectfully returned to Mr B. McClosky (thro' office of Sub Asst Comr for 17th Sub. Dist) No military orders will be made in this or similar cases. The wrongs of the parties interested must be corrected by the civil courts, if one fails, by appeal to a higher one. if all such efforts fail the fault lies either with the civil law or the civil officers_ the latter may be removed for cause,

By order of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 26. Infty. A.A.A. Gen.

Hunsaker D. T.

Endorsement on the letter of D. T. Hunsaker, dated Galveston Texas. Feb. 1st 1868.

Headquarters Dist of Texas,
Bureau. R.F.&AL.
Austin. Texas, Feb. 6th 1868,

Respectfully returned to D. S. Hunsaker with the information that his accounts are not "Pigeon Holed" in the office of the A.AA Gen. Mr Hunsaker ought to have known that his accounts should have been sent to the A.AQ.M & D.O.

J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty A.A.A Gen

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