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Oakes. James Bvt
Brig Gen. S.A.C.

Additional endorsement on the latter of Hannah Lewis dated Austin Texas. November 27. 1868. (L. 27) (EB. 8&) (EB. 185.)
Which was endorsed by order of Maj Gen O. O. Howard dated Washington. D.C. Feb. 6. 1868. as follows.

Respectfully returned to Hannah Lewis (thro'
office of Asst Comr of Texas the report of Gen Oakes
hereon and his action is deemed satisfactory.
Under the circumstances it would be inexpedient
to return the child to is mother,

Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau, R.F.&A.L.
Austin, Texas. Feb. 17. 1868.

Respectfully returned thro' office of Sub Assistant
Commissioner Austin. Texas

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infty. A.A.A. General

Rock. W. H.
Sub. Asst Comr

Additional endorsement on the letter of W. H. Rock. S.A.C. dated Richmond. Texas. May. 26. 1867 (R. 107. Vol I)

Which was referred to Lieut A. G. Malloy S.A.C. dated Galveston. Texas. May. 22. 1867.
And was returned by him dated January 31. 1868. Marshall Texas. endorsed as follows.
Respectfully returned with the information
that Mr Coleman denies owning the inclosed bill.

Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau. R.F.&A.L.
Austin Texas. Feb. 17. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Wm H. Rock Sub Asst Comr whose attention is called to the endorsement of Lieut Malloy hereon.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A. General

Rock W. H.
Sub. Asst Comr
R. 109.

Endorsement on the letter of W. H. Rock. S.A.C. dated Richmond Texas Feb 10. 1868.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F. and A.L.
Austin Texas February 17. 1868

Respectfully returned  Leave of absence for ten days
with permission to visit New Orleans is granted.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infantry A.A.A. General.

Sanger, L. H.
Bvt Maj USA. S.A.C.

Endorsement on the letter of S. E. Bigham, dated Livingston, Texas. February. 8, 1868, (B. 84)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&A. Lands.
Austin. Texas. Feb. 17. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj L. H. Sanger Sub. Asst Comr at Woodville, Texas, who is authorized to take the necessary action in the case,

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Infty. A.A.A, General.

Hobbs. A. M.
Gen. Mail Agent

Endorsement on copy of letter of D. L. Montgomery. Bvt Lt Col & S.A.C. dated Tyler. Texas. February 4th 1868. (M. 149)

Headquarters District of Texas. 
Bureau. R.F.&A. Lands.
Austin, Texas. Feb. 18. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Col. A. M. Hobbs. General Mail Agent for the State of Texas. for his information.
This is but one of many instances in which funds of the government have been taken from the mail within the past four months.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infantry, A.A.A. General,

Howard, O. O. Maj Gen.
Commissioner &c

Endorsement on the letter of Lieut A. H. M. Taylor. 17. Infty dated New Orleans. La. February 15. 1868. (T 12)

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F. and A.L.
Austin Texas. February. 19 1868.
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen. O. O. Howard Commissioner. &c Washington. D.C.

If the decision of Gen'l Beckwith. that duplicate checks cannot be issued. be correct, the bank makes the money and the soldiers. or he. to whom the soldiers owed the amount for board. is the loser.

J J Reynolds
Bvt Major General U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner
State of Texas

Transcription Notes:
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