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[[Left margin]] Shelby J. O. [[/Left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of J.O. Shelby dated. Liberty. Texas. April 29th 1866 (S. 23. 1866)
Headquarter District of Texas
Bureau. R. R.F.&A. Lands
Austin Texas. Feb 28, 1868,
Respectfully returned to J.O. Shelby Esq. with the request that you forward to these Headquarters the name of this party killed and the name of the party of parties who killed him. Please state also the circumstances under which he was killed, Return this letter with your report.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A. General,

[[Left margin]] Randlett. N.H. Sub Asst Comr[[/Left margin]] Endorsement on the letter of J. T Whiteson dated February 3rd 1866.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau R. F. & A.L.
Austin Texas. Feb. 20th 1868.
Respectfully referred to Captn Randlett S.A.Comr for report as to who was the murderer of the within mentioned freedman and the name of the freedman murdered. Report the circumstances under which the freedman was murdered and what action has been taken by the civil authorities, This letter to be returned with report with the least practicable delay
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson.
1st Lieut 26th Infty A.A.A. General.
[[Left margin]] Wilson Robert, B. Bvt Maj Sub. Asst Comr.[[/Left margin]]  
Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Maj. Robert B. Wilson S.A.C dated Cotton Gin. Texas, February 15, 1868. (W.32)
Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau. R.F. & A Lands
Austin Texas Feb 24. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Robert B. Wilson Sub Asst Comr who will see that the freedmen obtain that portion of the crop.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardon
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A. General,

[[Left margin]] Grimes James. F. Bvt Lt Col. Sub Asst Comr.[[/Left margin]] Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Lt Col. Jas. F Grimes S.A.C. dated Nacogdoches. Texas. Feb. 14, 1868. G. 42.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.& A Lands.
Austin, Texas. February 22. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt Col Jas. F. Grimes Sub Asst Comr Nacogdoches Texas,
No change has been made in the authority of Sub Asst Commissioners; but the Asst Commissioner does not consider that Sub Asst Comr ever had authority to act in cases of violation of law.
They have full power to enforce payment to freedmen of their dues for labor and to protect them in their civil rights, but have no jurisdiction as general peace officers.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds,
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A. General,

[[Left margin]] Howard O.O. Maj Gen. Commissioner &c [[/Left margin]]
Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Brig. Gen. Jno S. Mason. S.A.C. dated San Antonio Texas. February 19. 1868. M. 152 L.R.H. 149.
Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau. R.F.& A.L.
Austin. Texas, February 24. 1868.
Respectfully refowarded to Maj Gen O.O. Howard.
Commissioner &c Washington D.C. with the recommendation that the inclosed bid for the January &c be accepted.
J J Reynolds
Bvt Maj General. U.S.A. Assist Commissioner 
State of Texas,

[[Left margin]] Bascom G.M. Bvt Maj Sub. Asst Comr [[/Left margin]]
Endorsement on the communication of Bvt Maj G. M. Bascom S.A.C. dated Galveston Texas. Feb 19. B. 85. 1868,
Headquarters District of Texas
Bureau R.F. & A. Lands,
Austin. Texas. Feb. 24. 1868.
Respectfully returned. Your communication of Dec. 13. 1864. was mislaid and hence the delay in answering it. Your action in the case is approved,.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J.J. Reynolds
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry. A.A.A. General.