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137  138

Davis. H. W.

Endorsement on the letter of H. W. Davis., dated. San Gabriel. Texas March. 5. 1868.  D. 35.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&A.L.
Austin Texas. March 9. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr H. W. Davis. (thro' office of Sub Asst Comr at Sterling Texas_
There was no legal marriage in this case as the father himself admits by marrying again
The child belongs to the mother and all his earnings should be paid to her.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen. J. J Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry & A.A.A. General.

Sinclair. W. H.
Inspector. &c

Endorsement on the letter of W. H Sinclair Inspector dated Austin. Texas. January 9. 1868.  S. 107.
Which was referred to the Comd'g officer Co' D. 35th Inf. thro Hd Qurs 35th Infantry. dated Austin. Texas. Jan. 9. 1868.
And was by him referred to 1st Lieut A. G. Malloy. dated Refugio. Texas. January 23. 1868, endorsed as follows.

Respectfully referred to Lieut A. G. Malloy 35th Infty. who was Comd'g Officer of Co. D. 3rd Batt. 17th Infty at the time the within occurrence took place. The check within mentioned never having been received since I took command.      
Please return this paper to me with what information you may have,
Which was returned by Lieut A. G. Malloy dated Marshall Texas. Feb. 7. 1868. endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned with the information that the checks referred to in the within communication were not received by me.

And was returned by Lieut I. R. Fitch. thro' H'd Qurs 35th Inf dated Refugio. Feb. 24. 1868.

Headquarters District of Texas
B.R.F.&AL. Austin Mar 9. 1868

Respectfully returned to W. H. Sinclair Inspector. Bu. R.F&A.L. State of Texas. whose attention is called to the foregoing endorsements.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26th Infantry A.A.A Gen

Van Horne. W. M.
Lieut & Sub Asst Comr
EB. 155_

Additional endorsement on the letter of Thos P. Johnson. dated Stanton, Va. January. 7 1868.  (J 45.)
Which was referred to the Asst. Comr of Va by. the Sub Asst Comr at Winchester Va dated January 10. 1868.
And was by the Asst Comr of Va. referred to the Asst Comr of Texas. dated Richmond. Va Jan 14. 1868, thro H'd Qurs of Bureau,
And was referred to Bvt Maj G. M. Bascom S.A.C. Galveston Texas. dated Austin, Texas, January 28th 1868.
And was returned by him dated Galveston. Texas Feb. 19, 1868. endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned with report that I have caused dilligent search to be made but have failed to learn anything of the party named within.
Headquarters. District of Texas.
Bureau R.F,&A.L.
Austin. Texas. March 10, 1868,

Respectfully referred to 1st Lieut Wm M. Van Horne Sub. Asst Comr at Houston Texas. for report.
A copy of the within communication was referred to the Sub Asst Comr at Houston on 28th Jan. 1868 but no answer to the same has been received at these Hd Qurs up to this date.
These papers to be returned.

By command of Bvt Maj Gen J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Infantry. Act Asst Adjt Gen.

Hancock. W. S.
Maj General.

Additional endorsement on the letter of John Philip & Co dated New. Orleans. La Dec. 27. 1867.  (P 25) EB 196.
Which was referred to Bvt Lt. Col. J. T. Grimes, S.A.C. Nacogdoches dated Austin. Texas. Jan. 6. 1868 and was returned by him dated Nacogdoches. Texas. Jan. 29. 1868. with report as requested,

Headquarters. District of Texas.
Bureau. R.F.&A. Lands.
Austin Texas. March. 14. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Headquarters Dist. [[illegible]] Fifth Military District.
Attention is invited to the inclosed reports of Bvt Lt Col. Jas. F. Cumes. Capt. T M. K. Smith and Mr Alec. Ferguson.

J J Reynolds
Bvt Maj Gen. U.S.A. 
Asst. Commissioner. State of Texas