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Crain. Geo. H. Capt.
Bvt Lt. Col. & S.AC

Endorsement on the letter of Geo. H. Crain. S.A.C. dated Galveston. Texas. May 26. 1868.  C. 78. 
Which was referred to Bvt. Lt. Col. W. Webster. Surgeon in chief, dated Austin. Texas. May 29. 1868. and was returned by him dated Austin. Texas. June 5. 1868. endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned thro Lt. C. A. Vernon 4th U.S. Cav. A.A.A. Gen. Headqurs. Dist of Texas_ for completion of the within accounts to enable I. and E. P. Augell to procure payment. as follows.
"The following certificate of the Sub. Assistant Commissioner giving the full name. rank, Co, and regiment of the enlisted man treated. is necessary on each account." I certify that the above account is correct and just. that the services were necessary for the public service and were duly rendered. that the above named Priv--; Co- Regt- was on duty at the time and place mentioned, and was employed exclusively in the service of the Freedmen's Bureau, and that no Army Medical Officer, and medicines from the Post Hospital at Galveston Tex could be obtained at the time for the following reasons

(Sgd) Geo H. Cram, Sub. Asst. Com.
Com'dg Officer of Detachment.

Each account must be rendered in duplicate. Messrs I. & E. P. Augell must add the following certificate to each account. "We certify that the above account is correct and just and that the charges were the customary charges of the place" A receipt in blank should be added, at the bottom of each duplicate account and signed by Mess'rs I. & E. P. Augell as follows "Received at __  this __  day of __  1868 the sum of __Dollars and __cents in full of the above account."
A two cent internal revenue stamp must be affixed to each receipt and cancelled. Each member of the firm is required to furnish an Amnesty Oath like the inclosed sworn to before proper authority If the oath is taken before a Justice of the Peace his official character must be certified by a clerk of court and the certificate legalized by seal of court. A five cent internal revenue stamp must be affixed to each amnesty oath and cancelled. 


Headquarters District of Texas. 
Bureau. of Refugees. Freedmen. and Abandoned Lands. 
Austin. Texas. June. 6. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt. Col. Cram, Sub. Asst. Com'r at Galveston. Texas. Attention is called to the endorsement of Bvt. Lt. Col. Webster. Surg. in Chief.

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds. 
Charles A, Vernon
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Roberts C. S. Bvt Capt 
A.A.Q.M. & D.O.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Henry Folz. dated Vicksburg, Miss. May. 20. 1868.  F 36.
Which was endorsed by Bvt Maj Gen. A. C. Gillem Asst Comr of Miss dated Vicksburg. Miss May 20. 1868. - as follows.

Respectfully [[strikethrough]] referred [[/strikethrough]] forwarded to Major General. O. O. Howard. Commissioner. Washington. D.C. to ascertain if there is any record of this claim on file in the office of the Commissioner. 

And was endorsed by order of Maj Gen. O. O. Howard, per A.A.A.G. dated Washington. D.C. May 26. 1868. as follows. 

Respectfully referred to the Asst Comr for Texas for immediate report. It appears from the records of this office that the claim referred to, was referred to the Asst Comr for Texas. for settlement at $150. and that an appointment for the month of February for Mr Folz was made at $150, which was supposed to be for the purpose of settling this claim.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau Refugees. Freedmen. and Abandoned Lands. 
Austin. Texas. June 6. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Bvt Capt C. S. Roberts. D Officer Bu. of R.F &c for Texas. tor information why Mr Folz has not been paid for his services. 

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A, Vernon
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt Gen.

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