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Whann. James G.
Endorsement on the letter of James G. Whann dated. Galveston. Texas. June. 3. 1868.  W. 55.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Austin. Texas June 6. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Mr James_ G. Whann, The Asst Commissioner is not authorized to issue the transportation requested.
By command of Brevet Major Gen. J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act Asst Adjt. General.

Kirkman. W. G. 
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of W. G. Kirkman. S.A.C. dated, Boston. Texas. May 16. 1868.  K 72.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. Refugees. Freedmen. and Aband. Lands. 
Austin, Texas. June 6. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Mr W. G. Kirkman, Sub. Asst Comr at Boston. Texas. Costs can be collected only in accordance with the State Laws,

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds,
Charles A. Vernou
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act, Asst Adjt General,

Haughn. Charles.
Sub. Asst Comr
Additional endorsement on the letter of Charles Haughn, S.A.C. dated Waco. Texas. April 5. 1868.  H. 193.
Which was endorsed by Bvt Major E. W. Whittemore, S.A.C. dated. San. Antonio. Texas, June. 1. 1868. as follows.

Respectfully returned. I have conferred with Cap't J. J. Emerson. (concerning the disposition made of the within named note.) who states that he mailed the note to Philip Howard. S.A.C. but does not recollect the date of mailing, and that since the note was mailed he has heard nothing from it.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau. Refugees. Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.
Austin. Texas. June. 8. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Mr Chas Haughn S.A.C. at Waco. Texas. 
Attention is called to the endorsement of Bvt Maj E. W. Whittemore. hereon.

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds
Charles A. Vernou
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act. Asst Adjt General,

Hentig E C. Lieut.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of Lieut E. C. Hentig S.A.C. dated Sherman, Texas, May. 27. 1868.  H. (206). EB 214)

Headquarters District of Texas, 
Bureau Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Austin. Texas, June 8. 1868.

Respectfully returned to 2nd Lieut E. C. Hentig Sub. Asst. Comr at Sherman. Texas. with the remark that receipts are on file at this office for a greater portion of the circulars and orders mentioned within

If they are required they can be furnished, but information is first desired as to what disposition has been made of the manual circulars. and orders previously furnished for the office at Sherman.

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
2nd Lieut. 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt General. 

Ferguson Alex
Sub. Asst Comr

Additional endorsement on the letter of. John Phelps & Co dated New Orleans. La. Dec. 27, 1867.  P 25. EB. 138.
Which was endorsed as follows by order of Bvt Maj Gen. P. C. Buchanan, per Ass Secty for civil affairs dated New Orleans La, June 2, 1868.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Major General J.J. Reynolds. Asst Commissioner, Bureau R.F & A.L. State of Texas. 
The necessity or the authority for sending Mr Ferguson a clerk to adjudicate the case of Eliza Gaston versus, J. T Murray is not perceived. 

Under the circumstances, however, it is deemed inadvisable that any further action in this case beyond remitting the fine imposed upon Murray by Ferguson, as this action however justified by the facts was taken without due authority.
Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Austin. Texas June 9. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Mr Alex. Ferguson Sub. Asst. Comr at Nacogdoches, Texas.

In accordance with the foregoing endorsement the fine will be remitted.

These papers to be returned
By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
hard to make out spelling of some names. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-16 23:50:04 Charles A. Vernou