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Board of Officers on Rents.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Bvt. Lt. Lt Col Geo H. Cram dated Galveston. Texas. July. 10, 1868.  C. 97.
Which was referred to Rev Jos Welch, Supt of Schools dated Austin. Texas. July 17. 1868 and was returned by him dated Austin, Texas. July 21. 1868 endorsed as follows,

I respectfully return the within letter of Lt. Col. Geo. H. Cram, and recommend that he be directed to rent the Colored Baptist Church for school purposes.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.
Austin. Texas. July 21. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Board of officers on Rents Bu. R.F&A.L. State of Texas.

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds. 
Charles A, Vernou
2nd Lieut. 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt Gen.

Bascom Geo. M.
Bvt Maj U.SA.

Additional endorsement on the letter of L. W. Stevenson. S.A.C. dated Columbus. Texas. July 3, 1868,  EB. 219. & 224.  S. 236.  EB. 244. 
Which was returned by L. W. Stevenson dated Columbus. Tex. July 20. 1868 endorsement follows,
Respectually returned to Lieut C. A. Vernou. A.A.A. Gen. R.RF&A.L. with the request that this paper be referred to Major Bascom for the recovery if possible of the within mentioned due bill. By roster it appears that Major Bascom was relieved as Sub. Asst Comr in April which makes it quite probable that the Communication which contained the note may have followed him to his new station, and he may have thought the matter of not sufficient importance to return the same.
Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Austin Texas. July 22. 1868.

Respectuflly referred to Bvt. Maj G. M. Bascom 17th U.S. Infantry (through office of Sub. Asst Comr at Fort Griffin, Texas.) for report.
This paper to be returned.

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A, Vernou
2nd Lieut. 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt Genl.


Horton W. H.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of W. H. Horton. S.A.C. dated Bartrop. Texas. July 20. 1868.  H. 238.

Headquarters District of Texas.
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Austin. Texas July 23. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr M. H. Horton. Sub. Asst Comr  The Sheriff cannot be ordered to release this man,
Application should be made to Judge McFarland. for writ of Habeus Corpus, in this case.
If the evidence is placed before him he will undoubtedly grant it,

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A, Vernou
2nd Lieut 4th Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Buchanan R. C.
Brevet Maj. Gen.

Endorsement on the letter of S. P. Douley dated Tyler. Texas. June 25. 1868.  D. 57.
Which was referred to Bvt. Maj Gen. Reynolds for investigation and Report by order of Bvt Maj Gen. R. C. Buchanan dated. New Orleans. La. July. 13. 1868.
Headquarters District of Texas,
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen & Abanonded Lands.
Austin, Texas. July. 26 1868.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Gen R. C. Buchanan. Commanding 5th Mil. District, with copy of the report of 1st Lieut. Gregory. Barrett. Jr. enclosed.
As the party was released it was not deamed necessary to make any order in the premises.

J J Reynolds
Brevet Major General U.S.A.
Assistant Commisioner.
State of Texas.