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Jones. S. S.

Endorsement on the letter of S. S. Jones. D.C. Dallas Co. dated Dallas. Texas. Aug 12. 1868.  J. 71.
Which was referred to W. H. Horton, SA.C for report. dated. August 18, Austin Texas. and was returned by him dated. Bastrop Texas August 21. 1868, with report.

Headquarters, District of Texas, 
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Austin. Texas. August 22. 1868,

Respectfully returned to Mr S. S. Jones, (thro' office of S.A. Somr Dallas.) whose attention is invited to report of Mr. W. H Horton inclosed,

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds,
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt. U.S.A. Act. Asst. Adjt Genl

Howard. O. O.
Maj. Gen &c

Endorsement on copy of Report of Wm H. Sinclair. Insp. dated. August. 18. 1868. Austin. Texas,  S. 271,

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas
Bureau R.F&A.L.
Austin. Texas. August, 25, 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen O. O. Howard
Commissioner. &c Washington D.C. for his information
Since the inspection was made the Fifteenth U.S. Infantry has been placed en route for service in that part of Texas.

J J Reynolds 
Brevet Major. General, U.S.A.
Assistant. Commissioner,
State of Texas

Morse. C E. Lt
A.A.A. Gen

Addition endorsement on the letter of Lt. Gregory Barrett, dated Tyler. Texas. July. 20. 1868,  B. 185.  EB. 231, and was returned by him endorsed as follows. dated, Tyler, Texas. Aug, 10. 1868.
Respectfully returned with Certificate of County clerk. The town of Tyler was incorporated, and under the General Laws of 1858. The offices became vacant in June 1867 by resignation of persons holding them.

Austin. Texas. August. 25, 1868.
Respectfully referred to 1st Lieut C. E. Morse. A.A.AG. 5th Mil. District

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt. U.S.A. Act. Asst Adjt General,


Howard. O. O. Maj Gen.
Commissioner &c

Additional endorsement on the letter of George Johnson. dated Austin, Texas, Aug. 4, 1868,  J. 70.
Which was referred to Lieut. W. A. Lafferty. 6 Cav. for recommendation, dated Austin. Texas. August. 6. 1868, and was returned by him, same date. endorsed as follows.
Respectfully returned to Lieut. C. A Vernou,
B.R.F&AL. Dist of Texas, The within named man bears an excellent character, in the Regiment. and would undoubtedly fill the position of Bureau Agent. with credit to the service and to himself. 
He has been in the Adjt's office of this Reg't for about two years, and for the last six months has been Sergt. Major of the Regiment, and in both positions he has discharged his duties in a manner perfectly satisfactory to his Commanding officers. He is a sober and intelligent man,
Headquarters. Fifth Military District.
State of Texas.
Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. August 25. 1868,

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen O. O. Howard,
Commissioner &c with the recommendation that Mr George, Johnson be appointed an Agent of this Bureau at a salary of one hundred dollars per month. to take effect. Sept. 5, 1868,

J J Reynolds
Brevet Major General. U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner,
State of Texas.

Randlett, N. H.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of Joseph. Welch. Supt of Education. dated Austin. Texas. August 25, 1868,  W. 80 & EB. 260

Headquarters Fifth Military District
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. Aug. 26. 1868,

Respectfully referred to Mr N. H. Randlett. S.A.C. who will immediately make the reports required to the Supt of Freedman's Schools. State of Texas. He will also explain to this office the reasons for his neglect in this particular heretofore.
Immediate compliance with this endorsement is expected. This paper to be returned,

By command of Prevet Major General, J. J. Reynolds.
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt. U.S.A. Act. Asst. Adjt General,

Transcription Notes:
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