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Johnson, Lewis,
Bvt Lt. Col.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Lt Col,  Lewis Johnson dated Horsehead crossing of the Pecos River. Texas. May 21, 1868,  J. 67.  EB. 225.
Which was referred by order of Major General Howard. to Messrs. Chipman. Hosmer & Co Attys &c dated Washington D.C. August. 6. 1868 endorsed as follows.

Respectfully referred to Messrs. Chipman Hosmer &, Co Attys. &c Washington. D.C. with request for information. as to the condition of the claim of the within named man, and that the Post office address of claimant may be changed as requested in endorsement of Bvt. Maj. General. J. J. Reynolds. Asst. Comr of this Bureau, State of Texas.
These papers to be returned,
And was returned by them dated Washington, D.C. Aug 10. 1868 endorsed as follows.

Respectfully respectfully returned to Wm P Drew. Esq. Agt. in charge Claim Div B.R.F&A.L., with discharge of the within named Henry Ballard, late of Co F. 44. U.S.C.T enclosed.
His claim for U.S. bounty was rejected May 18, 1868, having received $200 00/100 bty 1st & 2nd installments under acts of July. 4. 1864.
And was returned to the Asst Comr of Texas, by order of Major General. O. O, Howard. per W. B. Drew. dated Washington. D.C. Aug 11. 1868 inviting attention to endorsement of Chipman & Hosmer.

Head Qurs. 5th. Military District.
State of Texas.
Bureau. of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. August. 25, 1868,

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Lt. Col. Lewis Johnson, Co. G. 41st Infantry (thro H'd Qurs 5th Military District)
Attention is called to the foregoing endorsements

By order of Bvt Major General. J. J. Reynolds,
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt Capt. U.S.A. Act. Asst Adjt General


Raymond C. C.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of C. C. Raymond. S.A.C. dated Seguin, Texas, August. 18. 1868.  R 197.

Headquarters Fifth Military District,
State of Texas.
Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin, Texas. August. 25. 1868.

Respectfully returned, Your view in reference to the interpretation of Gen. Orders No 4 is correct
You will investigate the case referred to, and if crime has been committed, call the attention of the civil authorities thereto, and urge the arrest of the criminal,
Should the civil authorities fail in their duty report circumstances. If military assistance is necessary to aid the civil authorities in the execution of the laws, or for the protection of person or property in your Sub. Dist the fact should be made known,
Copies of Gen Orders. No 13, H'd Qurs District of Texas are enclosed.

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds,
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut 17th Infty. Bvt Capt U.S.A.  A.A.A. Genl

Wilson. Joseph. E.

Endorsement on the letter of Joseph E. Wilson dated Brazoria, Texas. August. 2. 1868,  W. 81.

Headquarters 5th Military District
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F.&A.L.
Austin. Texas. August. 26. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr Wilson (thro' office of Sub. Asst Comr at Columbia)
The Commanding Officer of the Fifth Military District cannot interfere in this case.
It can only be settled by the Civil Courts,

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds,
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut. 17th Infty. Bvt Capt. U.S.A. A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
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