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Sibley C. C.
Bvt. Brig. Gen.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Fred Moseback, dated Atlanta Ga. March. 24. 1868, M. 176_
Which was referred to N. H. Randlett, Sub. Asst Comr for information called for dated. Austin, Texas. April. 13. 1868 and was returned by him dated Bryan. Aug 22, 1868. endorsed as follows:–

Respectfully returned to Chas A. Vernou Lieut & A.A.A. Genl., Austin, Texas with the information that the freed girl. Lula Mason is now living near Navasota, Texas. she states that Mr. I. M. Hill was to pay transportation to Texas, and give her six dollars per month. that she was in his employ about six months. when she left him. and not been in his employ since, She wishes to return to her mother but has not the necessary funds to defray her expenses.
The contract is in effect the same as her statement. no mention is made of her returning to Ga.

Headquarters Fifth Military District
State of Texas. Bu. of. R.F&A.L.
August. 31. 1868. Austin, Texas

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Gen C. C. Sibley. Asst Commissioner. State of Georgia,
Attention is invited to the endorsement of Mr N. H. Randlett. Sub. Asst. Comr at Bryan. City, Texas.

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds,
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut. 17th Infty. Bvt Capt, U.S.A. A.A.A. Genl

Donley, S. P.
Endorsement on the letter of S. P. Donley dated. Tyler, Texas. July. 28. 1868.  D. 63.

Headquarters. Fifth. Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of. R.F.&A.L.
Austin. Texas September. 2. 1868.

Respectfully returned to S. P. Donley Atty for Thos Meador. (Thro' office of Sub. Asst Comr at Tyler. Texas)
The decision of Judge. Sam. L. Earle in this case is correct, The prisoner will be held subject to orders from these Headquarters.

By command of Brevet Major General, J. J. Reynolds.
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut 17th Infty. Bvt. Capt. U.S.A.
Act. Asst. Adjt Genl


Kirkman, W. G.

Endorsement on the letter of W. G. Kirkman. S.A.C. dated Boston. Texas. August. 21. 1868.  K. 84.

Headquarters. Fifth Military District
State of Texas, Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. September. 1. 1868,

Respectfully returned,
Where as it has been shown to this H'd Qurs that. John. Teller. E J Janssen. & Thaddeus Shipps now under bonds to report when ordered by the U.S. authorities for a disturbance of the peace, have been indicted for and are now under for their appearance at the District Court for the County of Bowie. State of Texas. it is hereby ordered that the bonds given by the above named parties to the Military authorities for their appearance be cancelled,

By command of Brevet Major. General, J. J. Reynolds.
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut 17th Infty, Bvt. Capt. U.S.A. A.A.A. Genl

Barrett. Gregory.
Lieut. &. S.A.C.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Lieut. Gregory Barrett. S.A.C. dated. Tyler. Texas, April 30, 1868.  B. 126.
Which was endorsed by E. Whittlesey (in absence of Gen. Howard) dated Washington, D.C. Aug, 18. 1868. as follows

Respectfully referred to Hon Hugh McCullock Secretary of the Treasury, with the request that this Bureau be informed whether Jno Q. St Clair. was an agent of the Treasury Department. and duly authorized to sell the within described property,
And was returned by order of Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard. per. W. P. Drew. dated Washington. Aug. 22. 1868. endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj. Gen J. J Reynolds Asst Comr Austin, Texas, inviting attention to enclosed copy of letter from Hon. Hugh Mc McCullock. Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. dated August. 21st 1868.

Headquarters, Fifth. Military District
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&A.L.
Austin. Texas. Sept 3. 1868

Respectfully returned to 1st Lieut Gregory Barrett, Sub. Asst Comr at Tyler. Texas, whose attention is called to copy of letter of Secretary of Treasury inclosed.

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds
C. S. Roberts.
1st Lieut 17th Infty. Bvt Capt. U.S.A.
A.A.A. General