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Beath David. S.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of David S. Beath. S.A.C. dated Bastrop, Texas. October. 15, 1868.  B 242.

Headquarters Fifth Military District
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas Oct. 17. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr David. S. Beath
Sub. Asst Comr
Higgins is entitled under the law to his rent as
agreed upon between himself and Stroud. Then the freedmen are entitled to their portion of the crop under their agreement with Stroud. Stroud is entitled to what remains after paying Higgin's rent. and giving the freedmen the share agreed upon.
If there is not enough to pay both rent and freedmen, the latter must look to Stroud.
See to it that not too much is seized on a fair

By Command of Brovet Major General J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieutenant 4th U.S. Cav. Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Howard. O. O. Maj. Gen.
Commissioner &c

Endorsement on the letter of N. H. Randlett. S.A.C. dated Bryan Texas October 14. 1868.  R. 219,

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. October. 17. 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard
Commissioner &c with the recommendation that the resignation of Mr N. H. Randlett be accepted to take effect Oct. 20. 1868.

J J Reynolds
Brevet Major General U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner. State of Texas,

McGinnis. O A.

Additional endorsement on the letter of O. A. McGinnis. dated Sumpter. Texas. Sept. 20. 1868.  M. 231.  EB. 277. & 294.
Which was returned by F. W. Reinhard S.A.C. dated Centreville Texas. October 8. 1868. with vouchers enclosed.

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. October 17. 1868,

Respectfully returned to Mr O. A. McGinnis for the work of Clark White, and signature of witness to the same.

By command of Brovet Major General J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieutenant 4th Cav. Act Asst Adjt General.

Mortimer Thos V. 
U.S. Comr

Additional endorsement on the letter of Thos V. Mortimer U.S. Comr dated Galveston. May 13. 1868.  M 229.
Which was returned by Lt. Krebs. Comdg Post of Wharton. thro' H'd Qurs. 5th Mil Dist. dated Wharton Texas. Oct. 10. 1868 endorsed as follows.

Respectfully returned to Headquarters Fifth Military District. with the following statement.
The enlisted mennamed in Matilda Wallace affidavit: viz: Serg. Smith and Privates Welch and Branch, supposed to be Blanchette, not having a man in company K by the name Branch, they were tried and sentenced for this offense by a Garrison C.M. convened at Post of Galveston, Texas. by virtue of S.O. No 66 from that Headqurs. and their sentences promulgated in Gen. O. No 5. dated Headqurs Post of Galveston. Tex. May 1st 1868. which have been duly executed. I enclose extracts from G.O. No 5 appertaining to their several cases. and respectfully state that I was stationed at Galveston Texas. at the time and was recorder of the court for the said Garrison C.M. and that the clause wherein is said "That Brevet. Lt. Col. E. Gay and other officers in command did witness to the said Serg Smith. Pvt Welch and Blanch. (should be Blanchette) run and pursue the husband of deponent," is a fabrication, it having occurred outside of camp, and was not known to them until the fact was reported to the Comdg Officer of the
Post Bvt Lt. Col. E. Gay on the following morning. when the said men with others were put under arrest and confinement. As regards the watch and rings I know nothing, except from Matilda Wallace's 
statement "that they were in the box or packages that were broken open.

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. Oct. 19. 1868.

Respectfully returned to Mr Thomas. V. Mortimer. U.S. Comr at Galveston. Texas. (thro office Sub. Asst. Comr Bu of RF&AL Galveston)
Attention is invited to endorsement of Lieut
W. H. W. Krebs. Commanding, Post of Wharton.

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut 4th Cav. A.A.A. General.

Transcription Notes:
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