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Howard. O. O. Maj Gen.

Additional endorsement on the letter of Hector Sears. dated. Fredericksburg Va. August 28. 1868.  S. 280. EB. 261.
Which was returned by F. P. Wood. Esq. Sub. Asst Comr dated Brenham. Texas. Nov. 5. 1868. stating that the woman mentioned in the communication could not be found.

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of RF&A.L. 
Austin. Texas. Nov. 12. 1868

Respectfully returned. Attention is invited to the communication of Mr F. P. Wood. Sub. Asst. Comr

Not sent.

Brevet Major. General. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner. State of Texas,

Cram Geo. H. Bvt Lt Col
Sub. Asst Comr

Additional endorsement on the letter of Hector Sears. dated Fredericksburg. Va. Aug. 28 1868.  S. 280.  EB. 261. 
Which was returned by F. P. Wood. Sub. Asst. Comr dated Brenham. Texas. Nov. 5. 1868. stating that the woman mentioned in the communication could not be found. but had been left by her mistress at Galveston &c.
Headquarters Fifth Military District
State of Texas, Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. November. 12. 1868.

Respectfully referred to Bvt Lt. Col Geo. H. Cram. Sub. Asst Comr at Galveston Texas for inquiry and report.
The inclosed letter will be delivered to the freedgirl Mary Madison or Bradfute if she can be found. 
These papers to be returned with report,

By command of Brevet Major General. J. J. Reynolds.
(signed) Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut 4th Cavalry. Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Beath. David. S.
Sub. Asst Comr

Endorsement on the letter of David. S Beath. Sub. Asst Comr dated. Bastrop. Texas. November. 10. 1868.

Headquarters. Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. Nov. 12. 1868.

Respectfully returned. Attention is called to Par IIII General orders Note from this H'd Qurs. dated Jan 30. 1867. It is not understood what order is referred to in this communication. It is though proper that the freedmen should pick all of the cotton or pay for the same.

By command of Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds.
(signed) Charles A, Vernou
1st Lieut. 4th Cavalry. Act. Asst. Adjt General.  


Howard. O. O. Maj. Gen.
Commr &c

Additional endorsement on the letter of Hiram Duff. dated Paris. Texas. Feb 1st 1868.  D. 32. & EB 310. & 330.  B. 313.
Which was referred to Dr W. C. Brown. S.A.C. for report dated Austin. Texas. March. 2. 1868. and was returned by him with report dated Paris. Texas. April. 10. 1868,

Headquarters. Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of RF&AL.
Austin. Texas. November. 12. 1868

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard Commissioner with the request that authority be given to refund the sum of 51 95/100. Dollars. and to restore the property sold. The sale was made without authority and is illegal.
The report called for on March 2nd was never presented to me. and only this day have I become acquainted with the facts in the case.

(signed) J J Reynolds
Brevet Major. General. U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner. State of Texas.

Gillete James.
Bvt Maj. U.S.A.

Endorsement on the letter of Bvt Maj. James. Gillette. S.A.C. dated Bryan City. Texas. Nov. 6. 1868.  G. 87.
Which was endorsed as follows by His. Ex. E. M. Pease dated Austin. Texas Nov. 12. 1868.

If the Lunatic Asylum was not already filled beyond its capacity to accommodate patients. the person named might be sent there after proper proceedings had in the Co. Court. see Paschals. Dig. Art 120. &c  But that institution has more applications than can be accommodated, and in that condition the same law. 126. requiring that preference shall be given to recent cases. of which more apply than can be received. It therefore devolves upon the County Court under Art. 1229 of Paschalls Digest to make provisions for the support of this person.

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F&AL.
Austin. Texas. Nov. 12. 1868.

Respectfully returned. Attention is called to the endorsement of His. Ex E. M. Pease Governor of Texas.
By command of Brevet Major. General. J. J. Reynolds.
(signed) Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut 4th Cavalry. Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Transcription Notes:
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