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[[left margin]] Roberts. C. S.
Bvt. Capt. & Disb. Of. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the letter of Bvt. Capt. C. S. Roberts, Disbursing Officer, dated Austin. Texas, Jan. 4. 1869. (R. [[26?]])
Which was endorsed by Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard per E. Whittlesey, A.A.A.G, Jan. 18. 1869, as follows:

"Respectfully returned to the Asst. Commissioner of Texas, who is authorized to retain Henry Orsay as clerk until February 28, 1869 (letter enclosed.)"

Head Qurs. Bureau of R., F. & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin. Texas. Jan. 29. 1869.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Capt. C. S. Roberts, A.A.Q.M. & D.O., Bureau of R., F. & A.L., State of Texas.

By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby.
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt. Capt. U.S.A., A.A.A. Gen.

[[left margin]] Caziarc, Louis V. Lieut. & A.A.A. Gen [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the letter of Private Henry Young, 26" U.S. Inft., dated Austin, Texas, Jan. 25, 1869, Y. 18.
Which was referred from Headquarters Fifth Military District, Jan. 26, 1869, for remarks.

Headquarters Bureau of R., F. & A.L.,
State of Texas.
Austin. Texas. Jan. 29. 1869.

[[left margin]] L.R. page 89. [[/left margin]]
Respectfully returned. Private Henry Young, 26" Inft., has been on duty in this Bureau for two years past; is a capable and efficient clerk. The Superintendent of Education reports his services necessary. I therefore respectfully recommend that he be detailed with orders to report to the Superintendent of Education for duty. He was detached from his regiment by Special Orders No. 8, Headquarters District of Texas, Series of 1868. 

By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby:
C. S. Roberts
Bvt. Capt. U.S.I., A.A.A. Gen.

[[left margin]] Caziarc. Louis V.
Lieut. & A.A.A. Gen. [[/margin]]

Additional endorsement on the letter of F. W. Chandler, dated Austin, Texas, January 22, 1869. C. 4. 1869. E.B. 320.
Which was endorsed by Lieut. L. V. Caziarc, A.A.A. General Fifth Military District. Jan. 25, 1869. as follows:

"Respectfully returned to Lieut. Charles A. Vernou, A.A.A. General, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, to know if the case was settled by Mr. Baker as Bureau Agent under the authority given Bureau Agents


by General Orders, and whether any orders have since been issued for the transfer of such cases to the civil authorities, and whether or not the transfer referred to in preceding endorsement was so made, and for a copy of such orders if they have been issued."

Headquarters Bureau of R., F. & A.L.,
State of Texas.
Austin. Texas. January 30, 1869.

Respectfully returned. The within case was tried by Mr. Baker as Sub-Asst. Commissioner under the general authority conferred upon Bureau Officers by the Act of Congress as explained by General Orders. No. 4, Series of 1868, from these Headquarters. In all cases of this nature an appeal could be taken by either party to the Asst. Commissioner. There were no orders from these Headquarters directing the transfer of this case to the civil authorities. As Mr. Baker is Chief Justice of Caldwell County he probably considered it best for the interest of the plaintiff in the suit that the enforcement of his decision should be entrusted to the civil authorities which is unquestionably what is meant by the remark in his docket, "Turned over to the civil courts." The question of fact having been decided by a jury and no appeal having been taken, or exception made to the ruling of the Bureau Agent, the whole matter at issue seems to be the collection of this judgement, which, it is respectfully recommended, should be enforced subject to the statutory provisions of the laws of the State.

By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby.
C. S. Roberts.
Bvt. Capt. U.S.I., A.A.A. Gen.

[[left margin]] Caziarc. Louis V.
Lieut. & A.A.A. Gen. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on the affidavit of John Autrey, dated Waco, Texas. January 19, 1869. A. 50.
Which was forwarded to Headquarters Fifth Military District January 19, 1869, by Capt. T. M. K. Smith, 26" Inft.
endorsed as follows:

"Respectfully forwarded to Headquarters Fifth Military District for instructions. None of the facts in this case are known except that Autrey is not in possession of his property."

And endorsed by Lieut. Louis V. Caziarc, A.D.C. & A.A.A. Gen.

Transcription Notes:
Louis V. Caziarc ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 21:40:44