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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
April 20th, 1908.

Dr. Edward H. Holden,

Libraian, Library United states Military Academy, 
West Point, New York.

Dear Doctor Holden:-

I presume that ere this, Mr. Bacon has seen and told you of our recent talk about his plans for the proposed Poe Memorial.

I had hoped to have written you earlier on this subject, and to have told you how much the plans please me. And to repeat to you the desire I expressed to Mr. Bacon that the work might be begun at an early day.

I also want to say to you that if I could afford to bear the whole expense of the Memorial, I would gladly do so, but the many calls which I have to answer, prevents. However, as I told Mr. Bacon, I stand ready to subscribe one thousand dollars, provided the balance of the funds can be secured elsewhere.