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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., 
March 20th, 1912

Mr. Pang Yuen-chi,
#9 Newchang Road,
Shanghai, China

Dear Mr. Pang:-

It gave me much pleasure to receive your good letter of February 11th in this morning's mail and to know that you are keeping well and that the prospects are good for the settlement of the Civil War that has been ragging in your Country. We receive here all sorts of reports through the newspapers and have been very much disturbed about conditions throughout China. All the Americans with whom I have talked have expressed much sympathy with the Republicans of China, and we are all hoping that with new men at the helm your Country will be restored to the position it so well deserves in the history of nations. Of course, America being so close a neighbor of China and so much in sympathy with the feelings of the Republicans of your Country, the friendship between the two nations is very warm and will doubtless continue growing in the right direction. This Country has flourished wonderfully under a republican regime and there is every reason to believe that your Country will do likewise. At all events I for one sincerely hope so.

Shortly after my return home last year from China, I was taken seriously ill, as you know, but my health is now much better and I hope ere long to be quite well.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 09:40:53 .