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9,Newchwang Road, Shanghai, China. 28th. June, 1915. Dear Mr. Freer, As China and America are separated by a great distance it is difficult for us to meet and face each other. Whenever I reflect on an eminent man (yourself) I would carry the thought even in my dreams. Furthermore, you are fond of pictures and paintings and being of the same mind though we are separated by thousands of miles I often regret that I am not gifted with the magical power of contracting the earth, nor could I wing myself so that I may personally benefit by references to your great knowledge. My cousin, some time ago brought my collection of paintings to your country for exhibition, and I almost feared that the picture might evoke your ridiculs, but you were kind enough to take care of him and enlighten him as to movements which cements long separated friendship and for which I am extremely indebted. The pictures you retained were the best in my poor collection and it could be seen that they met the eyes of a connoisseur and we may say that we are friends acquainted with each other's minds. You have my sincere admiration. My cousin, returned to China and related to me how you have been. He emphasized on your great kindness in even the smallest things. I can only pray from a distance that you will be blessed with health and that we may meet again when I can express my gratitude.
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