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#33 Ferry Avenue East, 
Detroit, Michigan,
November 6th, 1919.

Mr. Pang Lai Ch'en,
Number 1 Newchwang Road,
Shanghai, China.

My dear Mr. Pang:

Your good letter of September 17th written to Mr. Charles L. Freer was received here at his office recently, and as I have been requested by his Executors to attend to Mr. Freer's correspondence, I am taking the liberty [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] of answering your letter.

The collection of paintings and other art objects recently sent to Mr. Freer by Mr. Seaouke Yue reached us early in the summer so that Mr. Freer was enabled to enjoy the inspection of all the objects in the shipment, and were he here now to write you, he would, I feel sure, agree entirely with your own verdict,- that many of the paintings which Mr. Yue sent were very fine ones. Mr. Freer, I am glad to say, purchased almost the entire shipment for his collection, and although partial payment had been made to Mr. Yue by Mr. Freer himself, the entire balance due him will be paid him [[strikethrough]] probably [[/strikethrough]}] promptly through Mr. Freer's Executors. 
It is unfortunate that Mr. Freer is unable to see the old drawings which you have and which you mention you will be glad to send to him for his consideration should he require additional ones in his collection.

Very truly yours,

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