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ansd Feby 17 [[checkmark]] [[image]] FINE ARTS MEDAL AWARDED BY H.I.M. THE SULTAN THE ORIENTAL MUSEUM ROBERTO S. PARDO GRAND PRIZE MILAN 1906 ANTIQUARIAN BY APPOIN TO H.I.M. THE SULTAN MEDAL OF MERIT AWARDED BY H.I.M. THE SULTAN PERA BY APP ANTIQUE JEWELRY RUGS & WORKS OF ART TAPIS, BIJOUTERIES & OBJECTS D'ARTS ANCIENS Constantinople, January 25th 1909 OPP. PERA PALACE HOTEL Mr. Charles L. Freer Detroit, Mich USA. Dear Sir, I am in receipt of your favor of Dec 30th enclosing check for £330 to cover cost and expenses f.o.b. this city for the four pieces of Pottery of the Vallaury collection. Mrs Vallaury being ill, I could not see her yet, but you may consider the deal closed and the shipment to take place within a few days. I will ship the pottery like last time to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. I shall also try to ship the good freight prepaid as per your wishes. Hoping to be of use to you in the future, I remain Yours very truly, RS Pardo
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 17:21:14